Wonka here. A fitful night spent here by Owner she reports. Is it because it is Mundee morning I goes, because as you know I always sleep like a top and have not one little tiny worryjot in this good Wold. POSSIBLY she goes back. I only jumped on Owner's chest or back I cannot recall which once in the night and that was only to get to my best snuggly spot. Whether this contributed (nice word that) to owner's fitful night I don't know as of course I was busy snuggling on down. I love it.

Fresh and mellow para. What is mellow you ask me? Owner's mood on the moodometer is set between the Tom Hanks setting and full on dreamcity. I am likening it to the new and as yet jury out on washer. There is an exciting little birdy cheeping noise to tell us it is on or it is off and the light up screen with little symbols on it looks pretty and it is pretty, pretty confusing to quote good and bestist Owner. It has been hard to hold her back from testing out another wash cycle but I have managed it by indicating I am starving on several occasions. I do this by knocking every single pouch down from the line up, or one of those trays that cost a fortune (according to Owner they do and I must say you don't get much for your money out of them just a couple of munches really). SHALL I WASH IT ON ECO WASH asks Owner holding up a couple of fairly clean looking socks. I was busy eating and didn't reply straight off and when I next looked up to say have you checked the manual Owner, the washer was making a low droning noise and all lit up. I did think Eco was a warrier not a washing cycle but what do I know?? for our photoshoot there is of course a little cartoon of said washer: I have flown it up top as per, and there I am peering into the round window wondering just what is it doing. Owner is to the right wanting to try out another setting. We love it. We think.
Final mellow para. Luckily despite being a bit come day go day Owner did go out, looked after the little people who were all on their best Mundee behaviour and then brought back a nice assortment of catfood incase I have gone off my good as it looks. Hot news from yesterdee is that Mr Beau is NOT a cat called OZZIE which begs the question of who he really is. he does take the prize for being the most laid back cat on the block, he makes ruggles look like a stress cat really, and my nerves as you know can be a bit stretched but I put that down to living with Owner. I am still in love with Mr Beau or doctor Doo or whatever Owner calls him at the time. Now tonight, as long as Owner is not doing another washing we shall be watching clean Corrie x 2 and Enders. We must hold our breath and take it steady with Enders now that STaycee who we wanted to Gocee is in a hotel room with Maxee. Owner is lamenting the lack of Masood and so am I. In Corrie, sofee is still being friends with Maduh despite a lot of game playing and what have you. Owner thinks Sofee will take up counselling as she seems to get right to the heart of everyone's hidden and secret psyches (Owner says this is a word and I like it.) do have a good Mundee eve all of you out there in the wold wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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