Fresh moody para. I put it down to tiredness I said to Owner when she stomped back in going on about anti social behaviour. What the little people I went? The big people she said back and luckily did not hear me say were you rude as she was unpacking the several boxes, tins and pouches of cat food ready for all of us. Why not have a little sit down on my giant nest aka the settee I suggested, and do you know folks it worked a treat. I didn't hear another moody thing for a good hour. Mind you it was so warm and snug (thanks heating!! ) I may have dropped off. Now good and growly Ruggles called for breakfast but there is a medium alert out for Mr Beau. We have seen Bertie, and even a fleeting glimpse of Tinkers but no Mr Beau. For today's photoshoot it is a mystery. And here it is:
Oh yes, thanks Owner!! it is me having a little peck at the plants, there is the best one to the right a sort of mini yucca thingy wotsit and to the left is a fern which I am rather partial to. Owner says things like. STOP IT. and PACK IT UP. but I do need my greens and sometimes Owner forgets the cat grass. (from behind the door). There is another smaller cartoon of this and I will see if we can find it and fly it up top. I love it!!

Final moody para. Are you still moody Owner I said in a whisper really and she said IT IS JUST IT IS MUNDEE...... we know we know. But all is well, Owner has checked that Aged parent is still knocking back the tablets and telling the nurses how to nurse and is planning another expedition on Wednesdee. In the meantime, Owner now has to search for a good and non cancelling Dentist. This may be a quest on a par with the holy grail but I will keep you informed good folks. Tonight I am hoping for some Corrie action as the storylines are all hot hot hot. Kev the mechanic who can knock Owner right out of the park for moodiness, has swung back to kind mechanic and the builders are all heading for a showdown. It is Babehs galorious with Carla and Tina both sporting eyebrows to fence with.. We dread to think what Enders will come up with and pray for Masood to finally get a look in with save the square Jane. And as for the coffin we fear it will continue to haunt Dot even in the laundrette if she is in there. I haven't mentioned foxy and roxy and I'm not going to. Do go steady out there in the Wold folks wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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