Fresh and whoohoo para. So really folks our Sunday was made up we were rocking! And whilst Owner was on this other planet I did say to her, Owner, what is the book for your Sundee book slot of the week??? OWNER'S BOOK SLOT OF THE WEEK*********************************
There are two books this week goes Owner, and the first up is Rupert Bear!! This is an old annual of Owner's and there are lots of stories in it and a cat called Dinky (black).
Up top is the front and down here is the back of the book with all of Rupert's friends.....they are called Rupert's chums and they all animals like Algy pug and Rex and Reggie rabbit and Edward elephant. Owner's favourite was Rupert and Ozzie - a Kangaroo of course!! So back to childhood again and to round it off there is an Enid Blyton - Owner read everything Enid Blyton wrote and often says it was down to her that she grew up at all. All these things are OUT OF FASHION goes Owner but I loved them, pc or not pc.
and here it is, the cover of Owner's old book. John Jeffrey and Susan go to stay with granny and Granpa and a dog called Rags. Owner says she will never let it go. What about when you pop off I goes as you can't take it with you!! I WILL GIVE IT TO SOMEONE then, she goes. I only hope you have time for all that I said from behind the door but she didn't hear me above the noise they are making on American Idol, which is up for a second dose tonight. We did start off with a nice Mel Gibson film where he is frozen in a capsule but woken up and somehow there is Jamie Lee Curtis to help him and goodness knows what else when she did switch it over. yes that one who goes YO and DOG and stuff is advising all the singers what to do. I rest my cat case.
Final and happy do lally para. Why are you so happy you ask me. You know the answer to that one, if Owner is happy I am happy. And she came back from the good swimming baths in a dreamboat mood. Did you have a nice swim I says? YES AND THE REST she goes. I can only think she saw someone she likes whilst out as it is not normal for Owner to be so happy and all. Long may it last Owner I said and can I have anything I want now? YES YOU CAN she goes. Now Mr Beau was seen sauntering along the road side and made safe by Owner who got him in and kept him in whilst out. On her return Mr Beau was in my box but I said it was alright. We really are having a nice kind loving day today. tonight is the grand finale of the skating and we are rooting for Hayles and Dan our faves. they did make the entire icey panel cry last week and even Jason who we know has no emotions was weeping. It is the grand finale of that and the grand finale of beloved midwifeys. ~what we will do next Sundee does not bear thinking about and I may have to paw out a couple of good dvds in advance. Now to all you good folks out there in the Wold wherever you are in it, go steady and have the week of your dreams. Big Love Wonka x

Final and happy do lally para. Why are you so happy you ask me. You know the answer to that one, if Owner is happy I am happy. And she came back from the good swimming baths in a dreamboat mood. Did you have a nice swim I says? YES AND THE REST she goes. I can only think she saw someone she likes whilst out as it is not normal for Owner to be so happy and all. Long may it last Owner I said and can I have anything I want now? YES YOU CAN she goes. Now Mr Beau was seen sauntering along the road side and made safe by Owner who got him in and kept him in whilst out. On her return Mr Beau was in my box but I said it was alright. We really are having a nice kind loving day today. tonight is the grand finale of the skating and we are rooting for Hayles and Dan our faves. they did make the entire icey panel cry last week and even Jason who we know has no emotions was weeping. It is the grand finale of that and the grand finale of beloved midwifeys. ~what we will do next Sundee does not bear thinking about and I may have to paw out a couple of good dvds in advance. Now to all you good folks out there in the Wold wherever you are in it, go steady and have the week of your dreams. Big Love Wonka x
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