Fresh and marvellous para. here without anymore ado or fanfare oh alright a roll on the drums then drrrrrrrrrrrrrr:

Fresh para for big new of day. Owner is planning a weekend. YES. Says is to achieve another of her goals and you will recall good folks that going to Paris was one of them. Well this one is all about the World Championship Snooker and our hero Ronnie. he is flying high and just won a Welsh thing could even have been an open thing. Owner dreams of seeing some of her snooker heroes playing and has mentioned Sheffield and Crucible to me. This means a cat sitting adventure for me not to speak of Mr Beau and good Rugglesis. I DESERVE A BREAK says Owner and to confess to you all out there in the Wold, SO DO I. We love it.
Final yes really para. all went well folks even when Owner tumbled back in saying MY HEAD'S A SHED full of little people's names, and she said this and he took that and free flow, I said what is that Owner and she goes it's when all of them can move around freely between each room. OH I goes. any case the mistake happened when Owner took it upon herself to ring the utility people up to talk of meter readings and paying it off and so on. Yes, she got through the options, just, but no, she did not survive the customer assistant. YOU, she goes, have been EXTREMELY UNHELPFUL...... I did whisper to her that the bath was running but she didn't hear me above muttering things like why did I ring them up and shall I ring back and my life my life etc. it was alright though because the taps were turned off in that nick of time thing. And two headache tablets later Owner has whittled it down to LET THEM GET ON WITH IT, ~We all know that won't last. anyway it is Enders night so she can shout it all out during whatever strange storyline gets washed up. Last time we saw Staycee was in a taxi and I can only hope it did leave the square and wasn't an illusion. But there is still Shirlee and her new and very annoying family who keep on growing just when you think there can't be anymore bruvvers or sisters or Dads etc, another one pops up. Perhaps our Masood will take centre stage. we can dream. Over on Corrie times two thankfully we have the fullblooded storyline of thingy builder who was thwacked with a three by two and has gone missing much to the worriment of Owen and ex army ginger top Gary. never mind grieving Roy and bereft Rita in the Kabin!! we love it and I pray it takes Owner's mind off the three million pounds we owe on the gas and electric. Now all have been in and had a big chomp and used our facilities. Yes. Ruggles even perched for two seconds on this nice linen basket in the minute kitchen before deciding that Owner was a monster and so was I!!!! We love you teddy bear rugglesis. Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it. Good Russell Grant our horoscope hero said that Jupiter is in Cancer and it means all goes forward for our goals and such like. woopee! Big Love Wonka x
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