Fresh and happy para. Owner jogged off out in a hurry as she had been busy sketching me and forgot the time. GOODNESS she goes and flung off out. Why is she sketching you ask? Well why not! No good folks, it is to be a new Cover for the next exciting Wonka story - Wonka's Easter Story to be precise. I will let you know when it is up for reading and in the meantime, keep reading the others! On: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/405860 and that should take you to the latest one.
Another happi Para: in honour of this good day and to keep Owner's happiness levels up we have first up a photoshoot of the ZEN for Happiness. don't you just love it!! Flown up top as per. That little blue square is the Zen sign for happiness and we have it set on this for the week. By the side to the left is a tiny bird which was a gift from Owner's Grandson. it is a treasure. and to the side of that is our best plant with delicate pink blossoms. How happi is that?? Now the other photoshoot is an important one from yesterdee and it is the pyramids.
There they are!! And this is straight off the kitchen wall folks. The Pyramids of Giza from the 4th dynasty. Owner has read the small print and it says
each of the 2.5 million lime stone bricks to build the Great Pyramid of Cheops
weighed 2.5 tonnes!! And it was 480 foot high. Blimey, I said just think of all those slaves
hulking those stones about. At least
said Owner it was to build a magnificent and lasting monument that would
inspire us all for millenniums beyond.
Well Owner I goes, if you put it like that. We Love it.
Final Happi Para. Owner said all the little people were happi and cannot recall any tears that is usually us grown ups she said. There are no further demands for money as yet and according to all the news reports Pensioners are so silly they will just spend their pension in one shout. GOOD ON THEM cheered Owner! I did say, quietly, and from behind the door, that being generous and enjoying yourself is one thing but being a spendthrift and throwing money about is another, but luckily she didn't hear me above the good Radio 2. I have not reported on Owner's cold X 2 because I don't go in for this sympathy nonsense, but she has gone on about it today saying things like IT IS IN MY BACK and other such. I recommended carrying on as normal and so far this is working. Rug was on his heated mat in the luxury shed this morn and called in for breakfast, whilst Mr Beau is yet to be sighted. We did see Bertie yesterdee, sitting by the good gate. We do like him, so far.
Real final and happiness ridden para. Tonight folks it is you know what, yes Enders. Goodness knows how this will affect the happiness levels and we are hoping for a glimmer of light. What could it be? Not Carol's cancer, and not Dot's new family member we are not sure if he is a step grandson and knowing Enders this could be it. will Masood make a welcome return to pick up his character where it left off? Who knows. We fear it will be more of foxy and roxy and Kat at court with Alfee making faces at home. I have not mentioned the other name (Staycee) as it will spoil Owner's evening. Yes. other than this good folks we are up a gum tree. If Owner was in a parallel universe she would (quote) get a chauffer driven car all the way to a place called Goole to see Hardeep Singh Kohli who is doing a show there. he is funny and happi. Owner loves him from afar. Best place I said but she didn't hear me above the kettle. Now do go steady out there in the Wold folks wherever you are in it, and do be Happi while you are at it. Big Love Wonka x

Final Happi Para. Owner said all the little people were happi and cannot recall any tears that is usually us grown ups she said. There are no further demands for money as yet and according to all the news reports Pensioners are so silly they will just spend their pension in one shout. GOOD ON THEM cheered Owner! I did say, quietly, and from behind the door, that being generous and enjoying yourself is one thing but being a spendthrift and throwing money about is another, but luckily she didn't hear me above the good Radio 2. I have not reported on Owner's cold X 2 because I don't go in for this sympathy nonsense, but she has gone on about it today saying things like IT IS IN MY BACK and other such. I recommended carrying on as normal and so far this is working. Rug was on his heated mat in the luxury shed this morn and called in for breakfast, whilst Mr Beau is yet to be sighted. We did see Bertie yesterdee, sitting by the good gate. We do like him, so far.
Real final and happiness ridden para. Tonight folks it is you know what, yes Enders. Goodness knows how this will affect the happiness levels and we are hoping for a glimmer of light. What could it be? Not Carol's cancer, and not Dot's new family member we are not sure if he is a step grandson and knowing Enders this could be it. will Masood make a welcome return to pick up his character where it left off? Who knows. We fear it will be more of foxy and roxy and Kat at court with Alfee making faces at home. I have not mentioned the other name (Staycee) as it will spoil Owner's evening. Yes. other than this good folks we are up a gum tree. If Owner was in a parallel universe she would (quote) get a chauffer driven car all the way to a place called Goole to see Hardeep Singh Kohli who is doing a show there. he is funny and happi. Owner loves him from afar. Best place I said but she didn't hear me above the kettle. Now do go steady out there in the Wold folks wherever you are in it, and do be Happi while you are at it. Big Love Wonka x
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