Wonka here. the three of us, just the three of us (singing) so that is Owner, me and Mr Beau. Yes he stayed the night, the usual bed and board and guess what? No that isn't it!! Good Ruggles sprang in yesterdee eve and jumped onto the good linen box and fell asleep. This is unheard of good folks as we all know he is a bag of nerves just like Owner. We left him to snooze for a good two hours with me safe on the other side of the kitchen to dining room door! I was able to lay right up to it though! So that was an exciting evening to round off Owner's stressful and racked up to the nines cancelled out day. We woke up feeling fair to middling, and got ourselves assembled for breakfast nicely and then I spoilt it by scrapping with Mr Beau. PACK IT UP goes Owner and after the third time I did. I think I was saying this is my home Mr Beau and I was here first. Owner cleared up the little white tufts of fur and said honestly Wonka! and are you alright Mr Beau? and WAS IT WORTH IT?? I am sorry Mr Beau and I was just showing off. I love him.

Fresh full of value Para. What is this worth you are saying. Owner said it means standing up for yourself because you are worth it, worth it. OH I goes back. And yes of course Owner has done this very thing and you will want to know where. At the good (?) dentist practice. WAS THAT WISE I said when she strode back in with two tons of catfood (thank goodness). She is on about finding a new Dentist and I said from behind the door so she may not have heard me, I only hope you have not shot yourself in the foot Owner, or is it boxed yourself into a corner? Either way we all know it is hopeless to challenge Owner when she is on a mission. So full of energy and worth, Owner has shipshaped Aged parent's care thus. There is a new appt tomorrow (cancel it if you dare!) and a new appt the following day. Aged Parent was heard to utter the words confused but Owner simply said to take ONE DAY AT A TIME. I may have to take my days under the bed at this rate I goes but she didn't hear me above the new washer on ECO FAST WASH. We love it. For our good and well worth it cartoon there is Mr Beau to make up for me scrapping him. for some reason this good blog is letting us resize the cartoons so here it is on the left on SMALL setting.
Final good value para. Owner has got the Mavericks blaring out with their new CD In Time and I have to say it will grow on me at this rate. She loves it and as we know happy Owner = happy household. Now for a treat I said I will watch that escape plan film the explosive one if Enders is too silly and Holby city has gone off the boil. We didn't see it last night as low and behold our fave Les Dennis turned up in corrie!! He was a bungly burglar and we loved it! He put his face up to the kitchen window in a very non menacing way and then trots in to take stuff while they are all still in the room!! otherwise it was all about tempting tina and cheatin Pete with a little bit of Carla and the mechanic to wash it down with. Happily Owner cannot recall Enders at all. Except for Staycee and her forlorn expression. Bring back Masood Owner says, and even Shazzer and her chimneysweep son. We will see. Now Mr Beau has popped out and so too Ruggles, and Bertie was sighted calling into the luxury shed for some fast food. Tomorrow is another day folks and do remember YOU ARE WORTH IT whatever it is. Go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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