Wonka here. I sort of spoiled our lay in by racing downstairs to be pat and mick and then coming back up again to say how sorry I was to Owner and of course I had to wake her up to say it!!! but Owner was fine, she goes, do not worry Wonka worse things are happening in the Wold!! And then was Mr Beaujangles waiting for his breakfast followed by Rugglesis, so it was systems get a move on for Owner who for some reason is still smiling and being philosophical. did you have a nice dream I said Owner before your rude awakening. I THINK I MUST HAVE she goes. Ah.....

Fresh cheering and simple enough para. yesterdee I said Owner could pinch a slot for her
********book of the week***************!! Yes it is already flown up top and it is Owner's prized edition of Hans Christian Anderson illustrated by Jiri Trnka.

I hope you have enjoyed this little glimpse at such an enchanting book and it will make you want to rediscover all those wonderful stories. Owner says they are hidden treasure. We love them.
Final and simple last para. today has glided by with a dreamlike feel to it says Owner and I must admit the few times I have woken up from a nap or a bit of shut eye on my giant nest stroke settee I have agreed with her, furthermore we have a good word for it TRANQUIL. is it because there is no Enders to shout at and be annoyed with you wonder? Do you know that could be it, we did not get annoyed once with Idol, or the Voice thingy either and cannot forsee any problems with the dancing on ice or the icy panel. Me? thanks for asking, well I did say to Owner whilst we were half watching Vertigo which is a classic film with our hero Jimmy Stewart, do you understand it Owner as I thought she was dead but here she is again and haven't they just been up that tower thing and someone jumped off it, but she didn't hear me above saying their hair doesn't move and what nice dresses they used to all wear. Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it and we all pray and hope for the week ahead to behave itself. Big Love Wonka x
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