Fresh and boing boing para. So today Folks out there in the Wold, Owner is on normal setting and I can't tell you how good this is. it meant she drove nicely and was not rude or violent to all the poor motorists out there, she loved her job and said gave out two hugs to the little people plus was friendly and smiling to the staff (yes I found this one difficult to imagine....only joking Owner!!) and rounds it all off by bringing home plenty of extra food for me. Now because it is a sunny and spring like day to go with the official thingymebob there follows a photoshoot from our humble back yard. There it is up top! A little trough with daffs in it and some lavender and that other thing....Owner thinks it is a herb. So it is the herb with no name then Owner I goes. IT WILL HAVE TO BE she says back. It is spring like, and....We Love it!!
Final and normal para. Due to Owner being back on track she has spun into action and I have had to hide on several occasions, (list). 1. when she made too much noise doing a job and it was simply frightening. 2. When she dug around in the black hole of Calcutta stroke cupboard under the stairs and found the monster (hoover) and plugged it in. 3. I thought she was going to do something frightening. So you see how busy I've been. Now alongside that Mr Beau has been out come back in and been out again. Owner has 'refreshed' the luxury shed, and found a small amount of free time to make herself some tea. Oh and do a washing. You will all be on the edge of your seat wanting to know what setting Owner has settled on....ECO WASH for synthetics that is what setting. it is fast, efficient and energy saving to quote my Eco Warrier Owner!! Of course I only call her an Eco Warrier when she is smiling and on normal setting otherwise folks it is from under the bed. I did ask whether I could have seconds, approximately one minute after having my first serving of good as it looks but she may not have heard me above the Eco wash. I love it.
Real and final spring para. I need hardly say it but tonight thanks to beautiful and wonderful Sport Relief which raises millions of £s for our folks who need it, well because that is on....ENDERS is not on!!! So Owner need not worry, fret or worse get annoyed by Staycee's limited facial expressions, Kat's excuse for lying through her teef in Court, and wondering why Janine who CAN ACT says Owner, was last seen at St Pancras International chatting up some random bloke!!! Owner did get very excited when she saw the station and all I could hear was I'VE BEEN THERE and OH PARIS. Over on Corrie x 2 we are looking forward to Kev's Return!! he has a good build up and everyone who doesn't know him and those that do suspect he is on a short fuse most days except with Sally who is now shacked up with thingy who we've grown to like. Specially since he understands Sofee and Maduh and drinks from cartons. he is my new FAVE goes Owner. Now do go steady seeing as it is the Weekend good Folks out there in the Wold wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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