Fresh listen to this para. This has been a week of decision making, dreaming and stardom! Today good folks out there was my very own Owner and her very own aged parent on a tv programme. Did it annoy you I asked straight off once she burst back in full of herself. Once I had got over the fact (she goes) that 1. I hate my voice and 2. I thought I was far more beautiful, younger and well more beautiful than that - I loved it. quote unquote. Owner watched it with aged parent both commenting and in Owner's case weeping slightly. ARE YOU FAMOUS now I said? Just in this house, she went back. Now for our photoshoot to calm Owner right down and in fact remind her what this good blog is all about (ME ME ME AND MORE ME) we have a photoshoot of my current Beau!!! Just my little joke! so I have flown it up top and it is Mr Beau on the table to the left, with a pot of daffs and some other bits and bobs what all live on the table and you will want to know that he is sitting on both forms. that tiny little thing at the right hand side is a china donkey and cart. I love it.
Finally final para. As you recall Owner had dillied and dallied with the forms but today has taken a grip and got on with it. I AM FED UP WITH THESE FORMS she said but kept going, and has supplied three million bits of info and evidence (says). The little people were on their best and Owner reports at least two hugs which made her feel good plus fair play from the bigger people too. Only one smallish purchase to mention and Owner made up for it by buying plenty of food for me and Rug and Beau. Rug has been sitting on top of the step ladders in the yard and I have been able to stare out at him without fear of reprisal from the safety of the sideboard. Indoors folks. Tonight there is only Enders and goodness knows what Dot will do with the new bruvver of dead and dastardly Nick cotton. Is it all a swizz? Dot has been swizzed before. Masood has disappeared and we fear for his character, it may be swamped by foxy Roxy and all. Now Owner may slip back into dreamy mode at any moment so I must check on my food levels. Take it steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it. Big Love Wonka x
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