Sunday 14 October 2018

Porridge Days X

WONKA DO YOU MEAN SALAD DAYS? you all shout at me impatient for some gos (just popped that one in as Owner hates abbreviations.X) and wondering where I have been.  As you know folks I have been extra busy supervising the new smelly tot Squeak who is being spoilt rotten and I am not jealous.  NON! not a bit of it.  anyhow, the weather has gone from freezing to boiling hot in a matter of hours but today is back to its proper Autumn setting - hence folks the start of the porridge run...............X 

There we are!!and Owner is using the new cupcats as a measure.  YES they are measuring cups folks but I did say to owner will you use them as such or will they simply gather dust and fur and wotnot on the tray.....she may not have heard me above the kettle boiling though.X
Now as much as I don't want to take up precious gossip time on the newbie Squeak which is fairly well taking up all our supervision time AND the house has turned into a toyshop stroke nursery, may I just say that ME and Ruggles are bearing up well with it all.  I have not used up my SSSSSSSSSSSS and GRRRRRR quota as yet and neither has Rug.  Mind you, he sleeps through most of the newbie's advances except yesterday when it crept towards Rug who was washing on the red settee library AND only at the last moment betwixt licking his paw did he notice a scruffy black wispy thing coming towards him.  DID HE HISS AND GROWL AND FRIGHTEN the little KitKat Wonka?  Now this is the strange thing folks AND the hypothesis for my next thesis entitled Dementia in Felines..............ruggles just looked at Squeak and carried on washing.  Owner began to breath again and so did I.X
There it is!! Even now it is gnawing on a wire and Owner is using up her STOP IT NOW quota.X
Now amongst the thrillion annoying and infuriating events going on (Rug sitting like a troll under the bench outside watching for aliens/Vikings/visiting cats/anything else and refusing to come in - HURRY UP IT IS FREEZING RUG! shouts Owner....) we have somehow navigated the week just gone out the window - number one infuriating event is not having any money or work.  This really is annoying and prompted Owner to send a message to her old place of work that is chock full of pesky students all thinking they know it all and how good they are and how fab they look (owner fits in with this like a dream....SORRY OWNER!x) to beg for her old job back or something very like it........amazingly she got a positive response and after filling out yet another application form (I DO HOPE she droned to me THIS IS THE LAST ONE EVER IN MY LIFE x) she awaits the next step.  Folks, I cannot wait for Owner to disappear out the door so I can sit back and relax without a whirlwind of activity going on disturbing my much needed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
In the wig ridden world of pollytics, well some of them are wearing them surely, it all bumbles on with Owner shouting at the Marr Show and so forth.  Since the big party where they all clap themselves silly, Jezzer has not been seen and we wonder if he is having a brain lift OR is simply tending to his allotment.  Likewise Vinnie has been as quiet as the zillion mouses in this house being batted about by Squeak.  Tresa Grey bobs from one meeting to another with yet another set of balls round her neck that Owner says is a BIG statement necklace.  All are shouting on and on about Blastit and the cliff edge is looming.  No one has any idea and it turns out Ingerland is the only bit of the realm that is supposed to be glad.Shall we run away to sconny botland Owner keeps saying and folks, I do love a bit of tartan.X  ps Donwald the trump is still orange and choosing a new toy every week and getting it.XX
There she is!! On the subject of Mouses in Houses, this is #Milo the mouse from one of the #Duffel stories, the one where Duffel turns up in the Louvre with Sam, searching for that missing Will.
Duffel and the Inheritance on xx
Now luckily, beyond checking up on the aged who has moved homes and is seemingly alright with that, the telly has kept Owner on the straight and narrow.  Mostly it has been Strictly and the Hex Faktor keeping Owner from going funny.  We love Oti and Swanny and have warmed to a comedian (?) called Seann (two N's folks) Walsh who had to apologise for kissing his dance partner KATYA.  Folks with a name like that I am not repeat not saying a further word. It has been Judges Mouses which Owner loves so much we watch it on repeat on double repeat and treble repeat.  so far some decent acts have made it through to the LIVES as we love it. I have more or less barred Owner from Enders as it does wind her up to mood setting OVER THE TOP but in Corrie, there are some contenders - horrid pretend daughter HannAH has been one of them but was last seen driving off into the darkness with Liz's ex hubbie and his annoying Irish accent, so he has.  Steve and Tracey nearly got through their wedding without a mishap until there was one, and Daniel married SHINAID who has Not revealed her cancer. leeane got run over by a mad drug dealer (I KNOW.x) and is in a coma thing in the hospital that is a star in its own right and I would suggest as a spin off CORRIE HOSPITAL!! anyway guess who turned up by her bedside but NICK, David's bruverly bruv!! We love it! X
Blow me down this thing has published itself without me asking it to.  Now all I am saying is, with the wind getting up, with the seasons all going to pot, keep your fur sleeked down and your eye on the road ahead - just stay steady folks and you will get there!! laugh in the face of wotnot and wotsit! big Love Wonka X

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