Sunday 7 October 2018

There still are three!

DO YOU MEAN Wonka, that little pip Squeak, who arrived at your good homeo a week last Friday HAS NOT BEEN
a) eaten by Ruggles
b) returned as faulty
c) got lost in any one of the trillion hidey places in your nook and cranny.

NEITHER OF THE ABOVE.  I am pleased to own up I mean report that little Tich, (that is Squeak) is very much a part of the household AND I have even sniffed noses without wrestling it to the ground.  I admit that once or twice Owner did accuse me of being a bully boy. MOI??  Even now as I pass on all the news for this week, it is fast over just under the big red library stroke settee (never forget it is the books that are holding the settee up) whilst Rug is atop and I am pretty close to a searing hot rad.  Autumn is here and we must keep warm.XX

There it is!! perched on Owner's best picnic arty farty hamper.I hope Owner, I said up, it does not do anything untoward on it.  Thank you Wonka she droned, but so far, Squeak is using the facilities like a goodun.  Give it time! I replied, helpfully I thought, but from well behind a door two floors up so she may not have heard me. XX
Now in other news, the aged has been moved from one nursing home to another all in the name of good practice.  If follows that so far, the aged has not liked it and laid a good guilt trip on Owner - I DID NOT SLEEP WELL I HAD A TERRIBLE NIGHT - this is what Owner reports from the last fraught visit.  She has been thinking of doing a blog on it all, a bit like mine - I did say, don't pinch all my good ideas Owner, but again it was whispered and it was meant as a joke. In the meantime, Owner is droning on about buying bigger televisions and more pillows all in the name of settling the aged into her new abode.  It is all new - new routines, new people to remember new rooms so now wonder folks that Owner's mum is disorientated ( need a lie down now...) but I think it will all turn out....I mean me and Ruggles didn't know whether we were in the New Year or New York when we arrived here and look at us now!! X (2 years' on.....)
In the wicked world of pollytics, Welsh Wales are talking of going independent and so is Sconny Botland - soon it will be back to William the Conq and little Ingerland and Northern Ireland will be another country too.  That is if the sea doesn't swallow us all up in between times.  Donwald the Trump is running good old Americy like a business so that says all.  The only hope is that some folk come too out of their collective apathy and vote for a newbie.x  I haven't mentioned Tresa Gray or Jezzer and I'm not going to.XX
The telly has as usual done a great job in taking Owner's mind of the ageds and the distinct lack of money.  NO ONE.  Personne, have offered Owner any kind of job or likelihood of one.  Along with all the other downhill spirals this has been moaned about A LOT.  So, I have directed Owner to watching as many soaps as possible even un peu, a soupcon of Enders, just enough folks to get her rattled without throwing anything at the screen.  In Corrie, there are drug dealers threatening the entire connor family well Ryan anyway, and Liz still thinks scheming HannAHH is her long lost and previously thought dead daughter.  Brian has got the job of headmaster and little Jack now wheelchair bound is acting his remaining leg off. Owner tried to stay up for the Green Mile which she loves (and we know which bits to hide behind the cushion for) but could not manage it.  10 O'clock folks is the time we batten down the hatches and so far in, little tich is popped into the study for the night. Tonight we have the glory of Strictly and the Hex Factor which is Owner's fave - Judge's Mouses.  In the dancing we love Oti and Swanny and Danny and Amy - and are predicting that Lee will take a one way ticket tonight.  I COULD BE WRONG Wonka she droned to me....and folks, as you know anyone can go out, as the voting public are fickle and so are those pesky judges.  We have now warmed to Shirl and won't hear one word against her. End of.X

There they are! Kevin and Stacey doing the film week as Minions!! and it was a jive which we loved!! X
Now folks, if last week was hardgoing PLEASE take it steady for the week ahead.  You can do it!! YES YOU CAN.   Best paw and fur coat forward.  Big love Wonka XX

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