Saturday 29 September 2018

And then there were three! X

THREE WHAT Wonka??  folks I have said time and time again getting another Cat is not the answer.  It is not the answer to Owner's financial tissues, (it will in fact make them 5067398*** times worse.X) to the failed work situation (no one wants Owner to do anything anywhere anytime....x) to her vaguely ticking over just about arty enterprise (she has barely sold a card,  I know.X) or that feeling of despair she gets every other dustbin day.  it certainly will not excuse her from shouting two words at the woman driver who mistakenly ( I think it was, Owner doesn't) was driving towards her in the wrong lane having overtaken a stationery lorry on her side of the road when it was clearly OWNER'S RIGHT OF WAY.  Apparently Owner whispered how sorry she was to the passenger which was aged sibling and said perhaps she should not have shouted like that.  Even if it was HeR right of way.X

There it is!! that scruffy black scrap in the carrier!! and right next to it is the green rattle mousey that ME yes ME Wonka said she could have. XX

So here we are folks, you are in the picture IN DA FRAME!! Owner is stressed to the gunnels, poverty stricken and has no knowledge of the next measly piece of work when she pops out and adopts a scruffy offa farm Kit called Squeak.  It is a girlie Kit and has been given the full history of ME and Daddy Ruggles (his new name to make him sound friendly.) ME? thanks for asking, I have introduced myself by hissing, pinching her dreamies (twice. very proud) and basically keeping my distance. It - Squeaky has an entire study room to itself and has so far been pat and mick and lucy locket.  I KNOW it was the worm tablet but for a small scrap it was a powerful atmosphere for a while....................X

There is barely any other news to report as the entire week has been devoted to before Squeak, during Squeak and apres Squeak.  AND Owner says it was nice of me to donate my green mouse with the rattle inside and a feather for a tail to her...........and Daddy Ruggle said it was alright for her to be carted home in the cat carrier with his best Christmas Tea Towel inside.  Which she is still snuggling on AND sitting on my mousey.XX

What else has NOT happened in our houseyhold.  Owner is still missing all those cousins and wonderin when she will see them again.  If you saw them all the time Owner, I said helpfully (I thought I was being helpful....X) then you would probably want them all to go away and give you 5 mins peace..... but I did whisper it from behind the heavy blue curtain that shields the back door from draughts and anything else wanting to creep in.... so she may not have heard me.  anyhow it has been a week full of aged parent and sibling wotnots with a little bit of Owner sprinkled around that. She struggled home with two tones of cat litter and kitten food AND another hanging basket for the pigeons to stand in and eat birdseed out of.  I mean. X

Do I want a flu jab Wonka? Owner droned to me...folks of all the things Owner needs that IS NOT on the list.  Money, flowers, chocolates, more money BUT NO flue jabs thank you and bon nuit.XX

In the increasingly silly old world of pollytics all is at sea where you have comics advising us on the borders (we love you Patrick Kielty) and comics saying they are NOT going to run for Prime Minister (clown Boris) and that clown of clowns across the ocean saying whatever comes into his head to say.  jezzer wore his best and may I say oversized jacket to the conference thing and everyone well almost everyone hung on his every mumble. I haven't mentioned Tresa Grey and I'm not going to.XX

There we are!! That is me and da Ruggles with our mouses!!XX
On the telly box we managed to watch everything and its grandmother.  HAVE I CAUGHT UP WITH ALL THOSE MISSED PROGS droned Owner whilst watching them all.  My answer was drowned out by Owner clicking round another prog.  Our fave has to be the Hex Factor which is outdoing itself this year and tonight TONIGHT it is the musical chair fiasco which me and Owner LOVE....  In corrie people are overdosing sleeping with friends and marrying others, lying, meeting folk in the BAT association (roy who else) and not to forget or downplay Christian Billy standing up to non Christian David and failing!!  and who suffers out of that? blind Josh does that is who.XX
Folks, next week could be the week that starts a whole new adventure!! sieze it by the tail and hold on and GO FUR IT!!
Big Love Wonka XX


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