Saturday 9 February 2019

Reaping the Benefits! X

FOLKS!!! Tis ME your beloved Wonka faithfully reporting on a busy bee week (for some.)

First Up, Owner was overheard on the phone to her best cousin Liz saying things like: 'SO I AM ALRIGHT - and - I am REAPING WHAT I HAVE SEWN this year so far...............'

well folks I did look round for this piece of sewing and was just about to give up as  couldn't see anything next to the needlework box OR splayed over the back of the settee ready to be sewn after Owner had chopped it about BUT it turns out Owner meant sewing seeds AND this is a SAYING that means millions of years after you have put all the effort and hard work in, IT WILL START TO PAY OFF.X


WHO IS THAT WONKA? you all shout up wide awake and in wonderment....that folks is best cousin Liz who Owner was droning to for what seemed like hours the other night OR yesterday.X
so just what is it that Owner is reaping you all still want to know?  the  minute Owner felt too tired and old to do any more work did the calls come flooding in so that last week she could hardly turn round for Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.  THOSE PESKY year sevens had me on the run she declared to anyone who would listen, and folks I did try to hear her out when she fell back in coughing and moaning on about her sore throat (too much shouting at the students to keep the noise down.  I know.X)and seeing as how it was smack on tea time and we were all starving, I tried to make her feel better right up to my best tea time landing on my special saucer.  RUGGLES was demanding to be fed from the bathroom which is his new resting up place and dat Squeaka was just here there and everywhere. XX
There is dat Squeaka!! snuggling up to Owner's new bedtime read by Jane Fallon.  This should put owner to sleep nicely and in the best possible way folks.XX
So Owner is back working and earning us a crust, the aged parent is nesting up in a Ward in hospital called Aspen where she is now MORE SETTLED and not swearing.  Owner says she has never heard the aged swear until the other day AND she spelt it out.  today though folks all was sweetness and light AND she was left watching the original Jane Eyre. Then Owner sped to the gym and had a small swim in a small pool which was suddenly populated by all these weekenders on a SPA break.  I mean.  But Wonka, she droned to me, I did get into the steam room for five mins.X
Now let us come back down to earth folks and just for a minute imagine a country not torn apart by pollytics and brexit on toast.....NOW no one PERSONNE can remember that time anymore and jezzer can write as many letters as he likes, it will not stop the mess and folks, some say HE WANTS it to be a mess so he can save the country (or the world).  Owner has ceased to take interest in that opposition party that could not oppose a knitting pattern never mind Tresa grey and her endless rhetoric thingwotsit.  We think Vinnie is on the case but it might be a suitcase. XX
Over on the telly we are glued to the Greatest Dahncer which has turned into a bit of show since Owner fell in love with Matthew thingy who is a CHAMPION of his acts.  Then we have to catch up with The voice on Sundee when there is a lot of other catching up with things.  In Corrie it was all about Johnee and Jenee and their court case that fell through as Liz went on her holidees.  Gemma is now on with Chesnee and David and wotsit had a melt down about her murdering son PLUS Owner's new fave Abi had a fling on Peetah's boat. Call the midwifey is always a sobber and a smiler AND next week it is beloved John n Gregg from Masterchef back on our screens and we love them  XX
Now folks, this year is turning out to be what Owner said (now I understand it) and anything you put a lot of hard work into say six or seven years ago and beyond - blow me down if you don't start seeing a reward from that.  so, hold on tight, meet every single challenge coming at you because beyond that folks, is your dream - it is right within your grasping paw!!! Have a furry purry tingly whiskery week out there folks!! big Love Wonka XX

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