Saturday 17 February 2018

Happi New Year of the Dog!

WOOF! yes it is here and I do hope you have all faithfully checked which Chinese sign you are folks. YES I am surely a rabbit/cat, and Ruggles surely is a dog and as for Bertrude?  anyone's guess really.
Owner says she is a mystery and NO ONE, Personne will argue against that.

Here she is!Tis Diva, who was Owner's real angel dog gone to the big sanctuary in the sky folks but sometimes glimpsed in dreams and brought to life in these stories.  May her happy soul live on and bark its way through this coming year folks!X
There is even more happy woofing news folks! Guess what! YES you got it right for a change - much to my amazement Owner has a job interview from that good agency that she interrogated I mean talked to the other week. I nearly fell off the cushion by the searing hot rad when I heard Owner say 'Oh yes.' and 'that's good then.'  Now all we need to keep from certain starvation is for Owner to actually be offered the job.........BUT help is at hand as the good agency consultant will ring Owner with some interview technique the day before.  This means folks, that questions like: 'how would you handle this complex, never seen before, very unlikely to actually happen in real life, situation......' won't throw Owner into a panic.  I know.X
What else folks is there to report on?  Aside from a giant stress up situation which had Owner pounding away on the keyboard, and yes I swear I saw sparks and all because you quiz me up?  Aged sibling folks that's for why.  Aged sibling and a spot of good old admin sent her into a right flurry.  IT ENDED when she hit on a simple solution folks, and only then could I get on with relaxing by same hot rad.  The other thing that sent her funny was this folks:  sometimes, Owner gets it into her head to approach those posh literary agents.  There can only be one result Owner, I warned her as she pressed send having spent hours (across my tea time) perfecting a cover letter and the rest of their complicated demands.  In what seemed like seconds, an email came rushing back saying THANKS but NO THANKS, oh and phrases like 'This fast reply may seem a little harsh..............' Well YES IT DID.  Owner sobbed quietly for a minute or two and then sat and sent off another one.  My only suggestion folks was to try a different story...did she listen? YES SHE DID.  thankfully, the other two agencies have not tripped over their keyboards to send it all back, so in the meantime, these are the stories she sent:
Duffel has not returned to us yet!!! and there is Sam, lovely Sammy dog in these stories so we are 1% hopeful he will attract the right attention...........the other 99% thinks he may come barking back.X
There we are!! It is of course Oodles, who is the cat who never was, and Anya who she lives with BUT, this story folks came back like a boomerang! Well we love it! and you can still read it folks and see what you think, as it is free to read on X
You would think by now that the never ending story that is Brexit would be nearing the end but no.  Tresa Grey insists on droning on about it with Boris jumping on the bus again to say his bit. Jezzer must be up the allotment BUT John Mcgonnical or thingy, his deputy dog, announced a HUGE number of policies all to do with animal welfare.  so folks, there is a reprieve going on for Labour in this homeo. Donwald the trump is still president last time we looked and what can shift him.  An earthquake?  Who knows.X
Back in the more interesting world of our telly, Owner has clung to a couple of new dramas.  JOHN SIMM is in both of them, she complained to me. PLUS, she is not overkeen on either.  Corrie is circling round Feelan, and Craig has succumbed to an obsessive compulsive disorder to knock any of Owner's neurotic mad ways into touch.  DUE to this he has lost Bethany who used to be the most mixed up one but now..................and King Billy is shivering away on the settee as he is an addict thanks to Adam who has gone on holiday.  Eevah is still having a secret babe and we await David's funny partner (Owner does not like) to blab to the real father.  I know.  Over in Enders, we are not sure what the storyline is now the heist one is over.  There has been a big funeral but not for Staycee.  IT SHOULD BE HER muttered Owner. Tonight we will cling to All Together Now that nice newish singing thing and then Casualtee AND there is a new drama it is TROY.  Owner will love it, she loves history and the romans - WAIT, it is the Trojans and the spartican thingies is it? Not to worry, we will find out! Exciting or what!X
Next week folks could be the week of our dreams, and even if it isn't, it is the last week in Feb.  We have a whole week ahead where Owner can relax, start to like her hair again (X) think more about us and less about her....YES I am alright, and trying not to resent being on a diet; it means being very fast to steal Rugglesis food and even faster at Bertrude's biscuits.  I CAN HEAR YOU Wonka, says Owner in her sleep, when I am having a little nibble.X
Keep those chins up folks and don't let any silly old rejection emails OR letters get you down.  Stand up straight and look them in the eye and send off a new submission, or go to a new audition OR whatever it is you are trying for.  Whatever you do, do not give in.
Big Love Wonka X

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