Sunday 29 July 2018

A Nice Spot of Rain!

IS IT RAINING WHERE YOU ARE WONKA?? Is it raining!!! It has gone straight from a Searing hot Summer to an Autumn day folks AND I have had to say to Owner: OWNER!! On no account let that pesky computerised thing wotsit that controls the heating SET it off!!!
There we are!!! Ruggles is fast over on his snuggley bit on the red settee and I'll tell you what folks, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz OH! I'll be having a few well earned snoozles myself soon.  Owner?? she has been in a flurry of activity all morning, doing six jobs at once and last time I looked was busy ringing up the electric suppliers who strangely do not work on Sundees.  YOU WOULD THINK, Wonka, she droned to me when she heard the robot say they were closed and then went through a million options of what to do next....YOU WOULD THINK Wonka that they would be there 24/7.  And folks, Owner hates that expression 24/7.  I know.XX
Folks!! roll on the drums building to a massive crescendo....I have found a new hidey that took Owner three trips round the house that is two levels don't forget, til she found me!!! This means that next time I whisper up an important piece of advice to Owner she will not hear it!! I am saved!! X
Yesterday as you may know, Owner set off to Whitby once more laden with goods for sale - and bound for the Coliseum Centre right in the middle of the town folks and just tucked away enough so that folks might miss it or say OH THERE IS NOTHING ON AT THE COLISEUM let's go in the nearest pub/café/restaurant'shop instead and spend all our holidee munney in there.................X
DID SHE SELL anything Wonka? you all shout up a bit desperate as you know we could starve..............She sold a pack of postcards to one of the fellow stallholders.  and bought three cards, two fridge magnets, a thing of chips and four hot drinks.  YES this mean she not only spent the profits she spent our cat food munney too.  BUT folks it does not matter because she rolled back in smiling and laughing and happy.  THIS folks, is priceless. And, Mumsteds is invited to another local event in Scarborough for December!!
And there he is! Bagpuss who is a rucksack and hangs nicely on the sitting room door folks - and Owner says she might take him to the next fair!! OOOHH XX
In other pollytical news, they are all arguing and fighting amongst themselves even Jezzer who is usually down on the allotment tending to his summer crop - even he might be having a few words and tresa Grey may be half way up a mountain by now NOT that mountain the blastit one but the one she clambers up when they all have their 9 week holiday and the country goes even faster down the pan than before.  Vinnie?? he may have gone fishing..................XX
We have clung mostly to Corrie and Craigie and Bethanee who exposed Kayleee for the monster she was BUT instantly forgave her and did some therapy too and little Bethanee who took Kaylee to meet her horrid Dad and made him own up!!! Instant Karma or what folks!!! Owner has shelved Enders in case it sends her funny - I did say what about all the other things that do that, but I said it from my new hidee.  Casualtee was ace and so was Holbee with Jac being full on nasty and everyone sucking up.  nearly everyones.  Tonight with no TV guide to consult we will have to race through the channels BUT will watch the UNFORGOTTEN tonight - it is a crime to miss it.  (Very Proud.X) We are heading for the final two episodes of Versailles and how we will miss it - with Louis meeting his Dad that twas the man in the iron mask and at the last minute throwing himself off a cliff to prove he was divine!!! OOOHHH goes Owner when she saw it.X
Next week is back to biz for Owner as she consults the Etsy Shop to see if she sell a few bits on there............NOTHING VENTURED Wonka she says to me and Folks, if it keeps me in as good as it looks and Ruggles in his Sheba terrine (I am not jealous not a bit of it) I will simply stand by ready to say things like: try it again Owner, or DON'T GIVE UP Owner when she goes impatient after the first five mins.X
We have had some retrogrades, some BIG eclipses folks so take it steady next week, be prepared to be hot or cold or just simply rained upon!! Big Fur and have those fangs at the ready!! Big Love Wonka XX

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