Saturday 4 August 2018

No Unicorns or Dinosaurs X


folks I have searched all over the housey and ok YES I found a couple of dinosaurs - one is a pencil sharpener.  And the other one is a charity Dino.  BUT no unicorns as yet folks. 
IS THIS A FAILING ON OWNER'S PART? A LACK OF FORESIGHT as all are buying unicorns and dinos like they are going out of fashion Wonka.

Folks, I had a similar word with Owner once she had stopped off in her sufi whirligig and trance to listen to me. Owner I says up - surely you would make some sales in your newbie Etsy shop and craft fair wotnot if you had a few prints and cards of said Dinos and Unicorns. 

YOU COULD HAVE SOMETHING THERE WONKA she droned back to me, and also went on a giant search of the housey for these bears and toys.  like me, she could not find a unicorn as yet. XX

There we are folks! And whilst she was busy hunting down the dinos and searching hi and lo for a unicorn she found another one RAH - it is the free standing one in the middle folks who is NOT  charity case OR a pencil sharpener he is JUST a tyranisaurus REX.  (spelling.  I know. it is really TYRANNOSAURUS X)
folks you know I have a job and  half on keeping Owner occupied and on point (she specially hates that phrase possibly on a par with 'spiking' and 'spiked' so I have to whisper it to you.X) and as for the unicorn shortage - how on earth you all wonder up, does she expect to make any sales at all from her crafty stall OR the new Etsy shop without one??? Folks! I have said the self same thing - alright from the safety of my new hidey which as you know took owner three excursions round the house to find.X
Here we are folks!! The very latest mumsted print now that Owner has slaved away this aft doing it.  keep up the good work Owner!! I says to her bang on my teatime......................X
Aside from opening her shop on Etsy, attending art and craft fairs, dabbling away with her sketch pen AND visiting the aged and shopping AND meeting her new Etsy pals what has Owner been up to??  We did manage to fit in a bit of a DVD (the Appartment with Jack Lemmon it is a classic Owner droned to me) and clung to Corrie for all it is worth - little Suzee babe has now left the show to get to France with Evah - who declared her undying lerve for Ayden (who is dead and in Heaven - it turns out he was such a good person and the entire street miss him....) and Craigie and Bethenee are back to besties again - what else OH YES, Gemma has fallen for Henry's rotten trap and is working behind the bar in the Rovers......all the time that scoundrel has someone else - BUT Chesnee is on the case.  Shawn is still homeless and keeping it a BIG secret and has been mugged in keeping with being homeless - and finally Adam did not fling off to France with Evah and the babe because he realised HOW MUCH she still lerves  Ayden even though he is out of the series and dead.  In Versailles Louis is nastier than ever, and Philippe is getting drunk.  Fabien has discovered his values and true beliefs (all that torture though.....) and Chevalier may have got himself arrested.  it is the very last episode on Mundee and HOW we shall miss it ZUT ALORS!!! and mais oui. somehow folks after the relentless sport this Summer has thrown our way there is more!! it calls itself the ~European Championships and goodness me not a sniff of blastit in evidence it is all very sporty and WALL TO WALL on Beeb one or two.  EVERY TIME I POP the telly on Wonka, says Owner to me in between all those two thousand jobs alright two or three - YES WHEN I TURN IT ON they are whizzing round a track on those funny bikes.  surely there are other events??? X
YES all those silly pollyticians are on their holidees OR holding meetings abroad in nice places that we yes WE the proletariat are funding!!! Owner told me off then for sounding like Jezzer or on the verge of a French revolution but I said they are too polite for that in this country.  Donwald the Trump bleated on about fake news (well it may have been him - OR a cover artist we are not sure) and how he was not late to meet her Maj and he divided this country up into bits when it is STILL united.  Just about.XX  PS we know nothing of Vinnie he must be on the other side of the world maybe going on about the lib dems from there.XX
The new bird feeders are working a treat after Owner worrying herself silly that NO BIRD WOULD FIND THEM.  Instead folks, rest assured that the whole neighbourhood of birds that is sparrows, starlings, other ones, pigeons and that have found both feeders and are making a heck of a racket alongside the newbie gulls and their parents.  The little outback is a jungle of bees birds and butterflies and we love it.X

There they are, squealing away and their offspring tooting well into the evening.XX
Strangely folks, not all the neighbours love the wildlife like Owner does BUT she says to me Wonka, that is my cross to bear!!  We love the littleoutback and all the visitors who come round and remember folks in this HOT weather to leave plenty of water out for all of the visitors!!X
ME? thanks for asking, I got a dab on the neck with something called ADVANTAGE though I cannot see for the life of me what it is OH YES it means I will not be troubled by pesky fleas and wotnot.  Ruggles had a dab too and ran off shortly after, upstairs.  Of course since then I have continued to nibble and prune myself as usual causing Owner to question whether the treatment is working.  I SAID IT WAS FOR YOU Wonka, she tells me, meaning they have a record of my size at the Vets  (which I am very proud of folks.X) and she says , she had a nice long chat with the receptionist about how hard it is to lose weight....FROM A CAT.  I mean.xx
Now next week folks, who knows what could happen OR it may have already come to pass - Owner gave up on growing her hair WHAT FOR and came home with it back to normal on Fridee - and has had her weekly complain and sort (the Aged's bank.X) so hopefully next week can come along nicely and behave itself. Like the boyscout's motto (unless they have upgraded it along with all else..X) BE PREPARED and if opportunity knocks on the door FLing that door open!! Big Love Wonka XX

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