Wednesday 28 November 2018

A little Breakaway X

folks, you guessed it, whilst Owner sped off courtesy of some funny old trains to see her Cousin Liz, well I had my paws full quite frankly keeping a check on warbling and trilling Squeak who thinks she is a bird and Ruggles who thinks he is an old lion.  ME? thanks for asking, Je Suis un chat.  End of.XX

There we are!! Tis Liz's garden which is full of beauty trees and wotnot and there is the Robin!  Folks I would not have minded seeing that for myself!! Owner had a lovely two day break and as soon as she came home, a whirlwind of activity folks - I had a giant cuddle and then got back on with it.  I know X

Now we are cuddling up to December folks and as you know Owner and me we do like our advents - owner is thinking of doing a Joe's Christmas advent as it is a proper Christmas tale with Neddy Rocker and little Joe - let's face it folks, Christmas is a time for dwelling on wishes and stars that do wishes and such like.  Look out for our advent which Owner has promised will begin on Satdee.

AND, she has had a little revelation to do it on here and SHARE it.  YES I will still be bringing you bits of gossip and the very latest hints and tips on what to watch over the festival.  If ZULU is on Owner will cling to that and if ITS A WONDERFUL LIFE IS ON we will be sitting on the telly watching that too.  Owner says she is getting lots of special treats in (I favour the felix seaside ones and Ruggles he does dreamies.  As for Squeak it eats anything.X)and we can all stave off worrywarts for a short while and enter the land of imagination.XX

Talking of Imagination, it is the Strictly Musical week this Satdee and here is a flashback to the 2016 show!! It had beloved Gene Wilder and his song on it from Willy Wonka and the Choc factory!!! As you all know that is where my name is from and I couldn't be more proud folks.....XX
This is a short and sweet treat from my good self mid week folks and we are preparing for the weekend and the start of December!! Also folks, Owner is doing her third Art Fair and has droned to me that if no one Personne buys anything she is ending her foray into the craft stall world.  She has done a reccy of the venue and says it is perfect - there is even a bar (I know and I did say please don't give them all the profits ifen there are any as we need them back here.....she may not have heard me above going on about PARKING and LOADING. X)
Got to dash, floors to lay on, cats to check on and lots of zzzzzzzzz in between!! Big Love Wonka XX

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