Saturday 27 January 2018

Three Unique Selling Points!

Wonka!!! you all shout at me, wide awake as it nearly the end of January AND the weekend......YES I say to you all, I bring you the story of the THREE UNIQUE SELLING POINTS.  Blimey you all wonder up, thinking (like me) it sounds like a modern fairy tale, like the three wishes or strange tales of having to guess what it is and only having THREE GOES at it.  The truth of it is folks, that Owner has got herself in a twist.  OH NO Wonka! you all carry on a little concerned now.  She has only gone and spoken to an Agency folks, about some more work in Eff EE or Higher Ee. I did say to Owner, can't we just shuffle on without all that stress and anxiety and wotsit compulsion thingy (and that's just the students) but OH NO, quick as a flash she speaks to someone and the next minute is reading an email from said Agency.
There we are!! Owner is confronted (for the bcgvhgmfh££$%* time about her ability to do a day's work.X)
Did she come up with something Wonka? you all pester up wondering how on earth Owner will think of ANY USEFUL skills or talents.  I did mention to Owner myself, as to why the Agency person (who must be nameless for fear you will all want that one..X) popped the words SKILLS and such like in block capitals.  Owner thought it was because she might be short sighted or a tad simple...............(Owner that is, NOT and Heaven forfend the Agency person.....X) As it happens folks and with a little prompting from me, Owner did muster up a few old skills and such like covered in cobwebs but soon polished up.  She is all set to meet up with the Agency Worker next Wednesdee and I am already preparing a suitable hidey.  I know.X
In other news folks, she has been swimming. TWICE.  She loves the facilities, the water is warm, all are nice and I cannot believe my luck folks as for at least twice a week we can all lay back and relaxezvous.  ME? thanks for asking, I am keeping well despite Owner's ridiculous attempt to slim me down.  YES  I was offended by the label 'Giant Tea Cosy' and 'Side of a House.'  Ruggles can eat at will and as for little treetop or Bertrude up above, she is spoilt rotten.  JEALOUS?  hardly folks hardly.X And no, there is no result back from the newbie vets about Bubster's blood test results. NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS droned Owner to me when I enquired.  OH I says back.X
Over in DAvros or somewhere in Switzerland or a bit like it, a huge convention of silly billies is taking place. YES that is right, all the folks governing us have instead gone on a giant jolly network to promote and make themselves look even more silly.  IS THAT POSSIBLE Wonka you all quite rightly question me up?  Donwald the Trump has once more threatened I mean said he is coming to our tiny isle for a visit and once more PERSONNE want to see him and that is NO ONE in English.  Tresa Grey will have got herself a new bunch of giant beads for the occasion and as far as we know Jezzer is minding the allotment. As for Vinnie and the others we know not.  YES there has been a lot in the news about the Kipper party and someone's girlfriend but we don't take notice of them in this house!X
Of course Owner is clinging to the telly, and especially Corrie which has at times made her go funny.  FEELAN is getting on my nerves she confided in me BUT now that his daughter is back maybe just maybe he will be found out! Little Bethany stroke Madison is still lap dancing and Craigie is still watching out for her.  Now in Enders, Staycee wasn't gone long enough for Owner's liking and now she has to contend with her AND that tiffanee lampshade child. Luckily there is the Voice to listen up to and despite LAMARR being voted in twice by the head judge for Falling on Ice, we are still clinging to it.X PS small klaxon going off there is a new music thing on Beeb one tonight called all together now AND despite this name PLUS we don't know who is hosting it, we will give it a shot SAYS OWNER! X
In other lesser news Owner has managed to join a couple of Art Groups and is busy having some postcards made.  NOW ALL I HAVE TO DO IS sell them she droned to me.  I did say where have I heard all this before Owner but in a whisper and from well behind a door on another level to the house.  Here is one of the #mumsteds illustrations to be postcarded!


To find out more do head over to the FB page MMArt @mumsteds and see what you reckon!! This is just one of the selection and is Nicholas Bear.  X
Has your January got off to a good start folks?  There is the Chinese New Year to look forward to, and it is the Year of the Dog. I know. I shall be informing you all how this, is going to affect your good lives throughout twenty eighteen folks - and I know it does not sound auspicious (need a long lay down now.X) for us felines BUT I have it on good authority (not Owner X) that cats and dogs do live harmoniously (more lay downs.)together so Bring it ON I say!! X
So there is a Full Moon coming up folks, and a new week AND the beginning of February.  Exciting or what!! So keep those New Year wotsits on the go and all systems fired up! Big Love Wonka X


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