Monday 28 September 2015

In other news..

What other news is this you all shout up at me?  Owner is hard at it, yes in between moaning, (about being on the scrap heap) having fits of nerves (what if this and what if that) she is doing the occasional sentence or two for #Diva part three.  This is the final part of the story and I love it!

Both fairies battle for her attention! and meanwhile Em is pondering on her choice of home...Glasgow and Gordon?  or back to Ma......find out soon X

As well as this you know Owner is telling the story of Tinkers and the boolleys (kittens).  She is up to the bit where we become a foster home BUT not up to the bit where hankies must come out.  I am prepared for this with helpful sayings like: IT WAS MEANT to be, and YOU DID YOUR BEST and WHAT ABOUT me, and Bertie and oh Ruggles who moved in like the Vet said.  it will keep you spellbound this last Conversations with Wonka (did I say last??) - and as per, it is my good self that keeps Owner on track.

WE have reached the Autumn folks, in our little Isle and this is the run up to all those festivities, and now Owner has more time on her hands (since no one wants her to slave for them) she has plenty of time to look after me, check on Bertie (fast asleep in the Narnia cupboard), or fret over Ruggles (in dreamy land on his heated pad atop the linen basket).

Big Fat PS - Owner has received the final proof read for the Christmas Story! WHOA and, has spied the cover.  do we like it or do we like it.  As Symon Ghoul is wont to say, we don't like it
WE LOVE IT! ....Until next time, Big Love Wonka X

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