Saturday 24 September 2016

Shooting Scripts

DO YOU MEAN STARS Wonka? you all whisper up to me it being the weekend and all.  NYET, I mean scripts and I do not mean a PRE scription (Owner particularly dislikes it when folk say script instead of "using the right word Wonka!") and I do not mean that group called 'The Script' with thingy in it who was in The Voice.    SO WHAT DO YOU MEAN Wonka? you are now all shouting at me and wide awake.....

I mean an actual script of when someone is writing a story for film!!! and popping in all the action for every shot!!! This is because folks, Owner is now supporting her student through a Media BTEC and will end up knowing all there is to know about a film script!  Perhaps she will do one about me.X

She has even watched a load of documentaries and dramas to SPY on every camera angle and wotnot.  There is a special  word called: MISE EN SCENE and it is a smashing word to include all the things we are looking at content wise in the film.  This folks has been the highlight of Owner's week. As long as I don't mention the neighbours (NOISE MONITORING ALERT) aged parent's nursing fees (THIS IS THE TOP TOPIC NOT to mention folks as it will send Owner crashing down on the mood setting) - yes as long as none of those things are spoken off EVEN from under the bed, we are alright and will have some teatime.X

HAS ANYTHING gone right this week Wonka you all whisper up (now you know about the neighbours...)?? it is hard folks to think of anything really.  our good publishers want and I quote "a more commercial" cover for our next fab story 'An Egyptian Tale' and naturally Owner felt wounded (like that word a lot.x) and rejected and a total failure about this seeing as it was HER best cover design they are saying NO to.  YES she has said back to them SURELY we can work something out and perhaps they will. I love Owner's illustrations but don't tell her that as she will get above herself rather.X

She seems to be alright in the job AND coping with being new and other teacher's can go a bit funny sometimes. I did say do you mean like you do Owner? luckily she didn't hear me above giving Ruggles a huge and expensive worming treatment that says it will slaughter every known worm PLUS some fleas and ticks on the way.  he stopped being sick once he was fed best chicken (thank you chick!x) round the clock and was fairly well spoilt rotten. ME? thanks for asking I did have some real chicken too and I noticed Bertie did as if he isn't spoilt enough.  I mean.X

IT is a bad week for politics as Tresa Maynot is still mucking around with our country and there have been mutterings about Boris AND that article.  Everyone except possibly a martian thinks jezzer will get elected AGAIN to lead the Labour Party even though it is crystal clear he couldn't lead a dog on a walk although he would attend a rally about dogs.  End of.X (Owner made me say that but I happen to agree.  Even more End of.X). Owner says she will never vote Labour again and I am keeping quiet.X

Thankfully Strictly has danced itself back on a Satdee and we love Anastacia and Greg the long jumper and hopper over heads.  In the Hex Factor they will be doing that strange chair swap and WE LOVE IT.  it really is musical chairs said Owner.  Corrie has made Owner smile once or twice and Todd has gone over to the darkside with Feelan. Be afraid, be very afraid.  In Enders, everyone is either going to hospital (Fil.) having a baby (thingy and thingy) having an affair (Kafee) or leaving the square (Masood and thingy)X

Now next week could be a vast improvement on this one so it is ALL TO SCRATCH for folks.  Owner thinks Mercury has gone forwards and I'm not going to gainsay her!! (get me!!X)..
Have a stonkingly wonderful week folks!! Big Love Wonka X

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