Saturday 8 December 2018

****Wonka's Christmas Advent DAY EIGHT!******

Ah how exciting we are now at the weekend folks and onto the next page of the story!:

'Neddy remembered last Christmas too.  After all this was when he had arrived at No 11, Flat 2, his wish granted by the Manager of the Returns Department.  He gave a little rock of excitement as he recalled what happened in that strange room by the big kneehole desk.  He had been looking into the glassball on that very desk amongst all the odd bits of paper and objects and seen the very thing he would return as - a rocking horse.

"Now, if I were a bit more organised - now where have I put the stardust, such a nuisance, I expect the Old Administrator has been poking around and moved it.  Ah! There it is.  You can't go anywhere without this."  The Manager produced a small phial of sparkly powder and suddenly went very serious. "Once I have sprinkled the stardust on you Neddy, you will have your wish granted and return to the land of earth.  You have seen your new home and the little boy who will spend many hours on your back.  His name is Joe.  The magic will only work however if this is what you want with all your heart.  Returns only work on this basis."

But when Neddy looked into the Manager's eyes he saw they were smiling and her expression was kind.  She knew a genuine wish when she heard one.'

Chapter Two, page 7, Joe's Christmas -
There we are! and tomorrow we finish this Chapter! big Love Wonka XX

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