Sunday 16 December 2018

****Wonka's Christmas Advent DAY SIXTEEN!*****

Halloah good folks and without further ado! the next part of the story - the Old Administrator is busy chucking all those priority wishes away despite the Manager of the Returns Department coming to see him specially about the Christmas List for little Joe......

"Good!" said the old man tired and feeling guilty now.  What if someone found out what he was doing?  There was a security system in place, and set up by the Manager of course, to ensure honest and careful dealings at all times.  But, as it was the Old Administrator's job to oversee security, really he was quite safe with his guilty secret.  After all, only he knew about it.  And possibly this was why he put off going to bed these last few months, for the dreams always reminded him of the truth.  For all dreams bring the truth hidden in their special dream story.  The old man leaned his head against his hand and closed his eyes.  Maybe he should pick that wish up off the floor, maybe he should have a word with the Manager, maybe.................and he thought he must be dreaming when he sat up with a jolt to see a race horse in front of the desk with a little boy on his back. 
Of course he was dreaming and it was one of those dreadful dreams which made him talk to people he didn't have time for in the daytime, be considerate and kind and even loving towards animals - something he was quite plainly against when awake.  Yes a silly dream, so it didn't matter what that horse was on about and why he didn't like him.  Let him ramble on about Joe's Christmas all he liked because he didn't know anyone called Joe and he didn't want to.  Far too much effort for a busy administrator.
"Go Away!" he shouted at Neddy and Joe.  "I don't want you in my dream!"  Nothing happened.  A bit nervous now because this usually worked and he would wake up, the old man tried again. 
"I'm not going anywhere," said Neddy quietly, "and you will kindly keep your voice down as we have a little boy with us, called Joe, who is fast asleep just now and a having a safe and happy dream."
Chapter Four, Page 17, Joe's Christmas -
There we are folks!  leaving it there for today and tomorrow we shall find out what happens next.....Big Love Wonka XX

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