Monday 24 December 2018

*****Wonka's Christmas Advent DAY TWENTY FOUR!*****

Dear friends we are now at the Eve itself and as promised there is an epilogue to our Christmas Story which answers some questions....and maybe will make you think of more!!

'Towards dusk on Christmas day, all was peaceful at No 11.  Joe's mum was asleep in the chair, snatching some time out from a very successful day.  Having shared it all between Edward and Emily - such an elegant charming lady, who stayed that way despite Joe's demands and chocolatey hands, and her own mother, Joe's Granny (who approved wholeheartedly of Edward and Emily), a break from the Christmas celebrations seemed a good idea.  Grandma cycled home after redecorating the real Christmas tree for the fifth time. "I'm just adjusting the lights and I'm sure if you leave those chocolates there Joe will pull the whole thing down."
"Leave it mum." commanded her daughter and ushered her off to her own home to see to her own tree. Little Joe was downstairs in Flat 1 with Edward having stated quite clearly his wish to stay. "Ten minutes and you come straight back." said his mum, thanking Edward for such a lovely day.  Leaning back in the chair now, she smiled as she remembered the morning and how amongst all the lovely presents for Joe, Edward had even produced a new neckerchief for Neddy!

"Found it in one of my desk drawers!" Said Edward laughing. "and it's nearly the same as his old one, just the colours the other way round - red with yellow spots."  Yes, smiling to herself, Joe's mum found herself gazing at the little snowstorm with the tree inside, The star on the top of the tree seemed to be shimmering and winking back at her, and with the full wonder of Christmas in her head, she closed her eyes for a few minutes and fell asleep.
Epilogue to Joe's Christmas Story page 26 -
Folks, I have saved the every last part of this story for our Christmas morning!! If you have a few moments to spare join me once more, and we will be with little Joe and Edward on Christmas day - I wonder if there will be more magic? Big Love Wonka XX

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