Monday 17 December 2018

****Wonka's Christmas AdventDAY SEVENTEEN!! ****

Good morning good folks out there, and here we are now on the last week before Christmas! Do enjoy your next helping of Joe's Christmas - and we are back with the old man, wishing he was dreaming!  but he's not............

'For the first time the Old Administrator looked properly at little Joe, a small boy with golden hair all ruffled up, a crumpled vest and nothing on his bottom half.  Eyes closed and head laid against Neddy's neck, Joe did look happy and safe, and old man felt a twinge of conscience. This was turning into the sort of confrontation he hoped to avoid and could usually deal with, so why did he feel suddenly very small - nearly as small as that little boy Joe.

"I hope you're ashamed of yourself."  Neddy spoke up again in as loud a whisper as he could manage and staring into the eyes of the old man with rather a fierce look.  The Old Administrator couldn't help but look down at the floor where the wishes were, and he wondered even now if he could just move them with his foot and hide them under the desk.  But too late, Neddy got there first,  And then, horror of horrors, the Manager was there too actually picking up the wishes and carefully unfolding the tightly screwed up papers.  What an awful dream this was turning into, and with that thought the Old Administrator burst into tears, deep tearing sobs forcing their way out of him like a burst dam.
"Now it's not that bad, really it isn't, you just need a nice break, a holiday, getting all worked up and probably worried because I mentioned that new computer - oh and that nice young trainee to help you," The Manager carried on placating the crying old man, searching in her pocket for a hankie and finally borrowing the neckerchief round Neddy's neck.  "Well really, I don't know, it's lucky I happened to pop back in to see you - and Neddy and Joe have arrived specially to collect their 'wish come true' which you dropped on the floor by mistake."
The Manager continued to talk on whilst giving Neddy a happy smile and pausing to stroke Joe's hair.'

Chapter Four, Page 18, Joe's Christmas -
And so, the wish has been found luckily, and the old man has been found out!  Join me tomorrow to find out why he has been throwing those wishes away, and to see how little Joe's Christmas list comes to life just as his mum wished for...... Big Love Wonka XX

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