Wednesday 5 December 2018

*****Wonka's Christmas Advent DAY FIVE!*****

Howdy up folks and without further ado the next part of the story for Day five:

"There is nowhere, NOWHERE in this ledger that says anything about a job as a toy horse! I have an entry for a horse destined to win the Grand National 3 times in a row - I have a space here for a Royal horse, yes ROYAL, you qualify for both jobs according to my calculations." There was a pause whilst this spluttering old man added and subtracted some figures.  "Yes, you have a total of 101 points which means Top Jobs TOPJOBS!" he shouted, repeating himself as if Neddy were deaf and daft.  On and on he went until the silent stare and quiet stance of the great racehorse which Neddy undoubtedly was shut him up at last.

The Old Administrator tired of the interview and angry at not getting his own way did not argue with the rules. "Oh yes you can appeal - appeal away and see where it gets you. NEXT."

The desk in front of Neddy was nothing like the Old Administrator's with everything in exact position, down to the letters in the IN tray and filing in the OUT.  No, this desk was rather untidy and much more interesting.  Books were open with bits of paper sticking in other pages, fluorescent marker pens and pencils scattered on the papers and wonder of wonders - a huge glass paperweight with a Christmas Tree inside.  In fact the closer Neddy looked, it seemed as if there was more than just a tree and the tree itself was so beautiful!  The fairy lights sparkled and the little ornaments spun round on their tiny gold thread glowing in the pinks and blues and green light.  Tinsel wrapped itself round the tree from top to bottom, in and out of the green needles and wasn't that a -"
" There you are" said a warm and friendly voice, " and just in time too because I've dropped something and I'm blowed if I can find it."  Neddy looked down into the smiling face of the Manager.  She was on the floor coming round the side of the desk as she spoke and even when she stood up, he was still looking down at her."
Chapter One, Page 4, Joe's Christmas,
That's it for today folks and now you have met The Manager of the Returns Dept!  Find out what she does for Neddy tomorrow -
Big Love Wonka XX

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