Friday 14 December 2018

*****Wonka's Christmas Advent DAY FOURTEEN!*****

Another advent for you folks! and we are with Neddy and Joe in the Returns Department but what is that Old Administrator up to??
Let's find out:

'The Old Administrator screwed up a piece of paper into a tiny ball and dropped it into the overflowing waste paper basket by the side of his desk.  It didn't stay in the basket which was too full and rolled off onto the floor.
"Oh I can't be bothered to pick it up it can just stay there" muttered the old man lifting up another piece of paper.   "It's only a silly old wish written down - people always wanting things and that Manager passing them over to me.  She must think I have all day to read wish after wish.  Well I haven't."  And with that he threw yet another wish towards the basket.

It was now four o'clock in the morning and the Returns Department had closed its doors at 10 pm on the dot.  All returns had been dealt with, even the pig who wanted to return as a film star and squealed to see the Manager when refused.  The old ledger had been closed and locked with a large key attached to a chain hanging from the Old Administrator's belt.  Instead of turning in for the night himself though, the old man locked the doors, turned the lights off and returned to his desk.  Sitting in his chair he moved the swivel lamp until it shone onto a spike full of papers.  All wishes carefully written down by the Manager and placed on the spike in order of priority. Reading them and throwing the most important ones away had become a nasty habit which the Old Administrator found very hard to resist.   He had read them all well into the night before deciding which ones to discard.  The Manager had made his job easier tonight because she had underlined one wish in red biro and even gone over it in her pink highlighter to ensure its immediate attention - and, even worse, she had brought the wish in personally only half an hour ago. '
Chapter Four, page 15, Joe's Christmas -
OOH!! I do like a cliff hanger folks and you will have to tune in tomorrow to find out what happens next!  not long though - Big Love Wonka XX

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