Monday 7 April 2014

Happening Mundee!

Wonka here.  We had a beauty night's sleep with a GOOD DREAM to round it off.  What s this good and auspicious (thanks Owner) word you all shout up?  Owner says lots of this and that and finding keys in her bag (well that's a first I said) and then all this nice salady stuff like peppers and tomatoes.  Now tomatoes is the sign of contentment and happiness so naturally Owner hopped out of bed and skipped downstairs and did not make one whimper or moan when I said NO I DON'T LIKE THAT ONE to the third or fourth offering.  Ruggles was waiting on the step and let Owner give him a good cuddle and back stroke and then gobbled up his breakfast straight off.  I love him.  from a distance.

Fresh and happy Para.  There is change in the air predicts Owner out of nowhere and if I hadn't been nicely settled on my giant nest aka the settee I would have toppled over.  Where has all this sudden energy and positive thinking come from?  You know good folks out there how every single minute of every single day is spent sleeping eating.........NO just my little joke, what I meant to say was encouraging on and boosting her flagging confidence.  Now lots of things are happening so list 1.  Jermaine thingy won the Voice.  yes.  We voted for him because Owner said.  HE HELD THE STAGE.  I thought that was down to the engineers but not to worry.  2.  Despite our good wishes OXFORD won the boat race again.  3.  Michael Ball who makes Owner giggle just by talking (?) is sitting in for good ken Bruce for TWO WHOLE WEEKS. 4.  A legend called Mickey Rooney has gone to the next room after being here on earth for 93 YEARS owner has a small cartoon tribute as he was in the good film NATIONAL VELVET with beauty Liz Taylor and the horse was a bit of a looker too and called Sir Charles. and last but not least some news on Prince George who has landed down under in New Zealand with Mum and Dad in tow.  So this is to celebrate his second showing off to all of us and we have to say he looks like a bit of a rascal just like his Dad said he was.  We love him.

Fresh and legendary para.  here is Owner's tribute to that star Mickey.We tried me and Owner to fly it up top and ended up with where we started from!! There is a message there I said to Owner but she didn't hear me above going on about a new song that she likes.
What words of wisdom did Mickey leave us with I said when she was listening.  he said NEVER RETIRE BUT INSPIRE we love it.

Next up and happening para.  The song that Owner has on the brain and says is a sure fire hit is by TURIN BRAKES and I say don't worry we hadn't heard of them either until good Dermot O'Leary had them on his Satdee show and Owner hears them singing Chim Chim Cher-ee  which is when Bert who is a chimney sweep in Mary Poppins is having a moment.  Owner says it is synchronicity (Jung so Owner tells me) that is do with Owner liking it, and buying the CD and featuring Mary Poppins in her book slot.  IF YOU SAY SO I goes back as this is all I can do when Owner is on whip crackaway setting.

Final happening para.  Owner finally went off out so I was able at last to recline on the luxury carpet and have a little cuddle up to my catnip fish (willy.  Just Willy.  not and then it only seemed 5 minutes later that she was back!  with more stuff for her hair as well.  I said Owner, go easy on that won't you but she didn't hear me above opening bottles and mixing up the ingredients and putting these gloves on and shoving it on her hair.  And then reading the instructions.  I rest my paws and all else.   No sign of Mr Beau and no Ruggles as yet, but I am keeping an eagle eye on it inbetween resting up.  Tonight it is all go what with Corrie X 2 and then Enders with nice to look at Micky who more than makes up for the rest of his shambly fambly and there is the newby turned up in hospital who we think is another offspring and ex army to boot (no pun folks).  As if hospitals don't figure enough in Owner's life she has to watch them on the tv!!  I CAN TAKE IT she goes.  My brave Owner!!  other news in Enders erm, there is the strange liaison of Lucee and Maxee and when good and recovered alcoholic lauren finds out there will be big trub.  Masood must surely listen to his heart and realise Saint jane is not all that saintly and he is miles too good for her.  but who else is there Masood?  Carol's cancer continues to wear us out but as long as she wears the scarf folks she has to be kind and we are coping with it so far.  Corrie is bursting at the seams now that Temptress Tina has been sacked by cheatin pete as his bitter on the side. She says there is no babeh but is she telling the truth good folks?  And surely when she hears about Carla things may step up or hot up.  Probably hot up Owner said.  We are loving it.  Now Owner continues to be upbeat and I must try my hardest to maintain this crackling with good energy setting.  Do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it folks.  Big Love Wonka x

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