Thursday 6 February 2014

Uploading Thursdee!

Wonka here.  Guess what?  No that's not it!!I do like a little joke now and then and anycase I'm fully occupied cheering Owner on.  Was she upset last night yes she was, talking rubbish like and I quote, they can all get on with it, and I don't know why I bother etc. |Now today folks, a different story.  We got up nicely after only one set of peeping from the good alarm, we slid nicely into the day and only one phone call later, all was calm.  There were a few funny dreams to report but not on here Owner says. 

Fresh para to report excellent and positive news:  Owner has recovered the lost gloves.  We can all stand easy.  They were at the place she goes to with the little people.  thank the god of lost gloves I said when she fell back in the good door.  And today she was outside supervising (says) some playtime.  Did they all play nicely (our word for today) Owner I goes.  NOT QUITE. she says back. Now more good news folks!!  Owner has uploaded the seventh Wonka Story!!  it is to be found on; called Conversations with Wonka - Part three and the tag is #Wonka.  We love it. Here I am folks!  As you know it is all about me and a tiny bit about Owner.  Only joking Owner!!  I am reclining on the luxury carpet with a small selection of my toys.  that is famous mousey at the top left, my best xmas toy at the top a small black mousey to the far left and an old toy of Golly's the red Xmas stocking.  Hankies away!  We love it.

Fresh and final para.  Now alongside all of that merriment Owner's mood did pick up whilst she is still in the throes (like this word) of an enormous and horrid cold.  It is fair frightening when she sneezes I can tell you.  No shopping was got and Owner is now going on about home deliveries and weighing up the pros and cons so folks we could be a good year on it.  She says she has gone off the cavernous warehouse like supermarket and also the smaller one where all is to help you except when you are in a small queue and have to wait hours while they talk to each other and go through a million coupons.  We hate coupons.  And then Owner reports the good assistant didn't say sorry to keep you waiting.  Owner does not like poor manners and I said what did you do Owner, she says she did not say please or thank you when served.  Isn't that the same poor manners back I said from round the corner but Owner didn't hear me above a giant sneeze.  Good Rug has been in, naughty Mr Beau has been in and popped back out and back in again and tinkers was sighted streaking across the motorway stroke street.  Owner says may watch Enders if can bear it with Carol's story and her dashing off anyone that wants to help saying all the time I want to be alone and I have to put up with Owner shouting at the tv.    We love it.  Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it.  it is Time to Talk day and me and Owner feel we have contributed bigtime!!  Big love Wonka x

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