Friday 22 August 2014

Crack on Fridee

Wonka here.  it's official, we are broke and Owner does not have a job.  where I says, do you think we will end up.  WE WILL BE ALRIGHT Wonka she goes.  As I have tried to tell you good folks out there all being practical and saving, and working like crazee, Owner's philosophy is built around something turning up.  NOT, I warned Owner, if you are not sticking to your plans.  BUT I AM, she tells me.  Now like most even minded folks, I need proof.  I NEED PROOF I ventured up from under the bed.  I love it.

Fresh get a move on Para.  first things first, and it is that time of the month when one of us (not me) needs the treatment.  Bertie Bubbles does not realise what he is in for so Owner grasps him firmly...well not firmly enough as he escaped the first time.  IT IS ONLY, she goes, A TINY THING ON YOUR NECK.  Finally, Bertie has the dose and is warned by all not to lick it.  Have you tried to lick the back of your neck lately?  Impossible.  Owner's stars today by the good Russell Grant, and we love him, warn of mountains out of molehills and worrywarts, and does she live up to this one.  YES.  She is worried about all.  About (list) Ruggles, Bertie and ME, then money, jobs, aged parent and birthdays.  It is all too much she moans up.  One thing at a time I ventured, and I did encourage her to apply for that job she saw the other day.  TICK.  it has been duly applied for.  you are sorting out Ruggleses Shed I said so TICK.  Me? thanks for asking, I am alright to be going on with so TICK. Owner has forgotten why she is worrying over Bertie Bubbles so half a tick.  On to the important things which are job and money.  I love it.

Cracking on para:  more good news on the aged parent front is that she is now in a nearby hospital.  this cuts the angst factor by half.  The Birthdays are all coming up and it is a round of birthdays. First up is aged sibling, then Daughter  then Owner.  Do not ask.  just don't.  For today's good cartoon we are again spoilt for choice but there is a good cartoon of the latest addition to our brood (like it).  And it is little Peggy soo, who daughter has taken on and is still living in grandson's bedroom.  only coming out for small excursions.  We love her and here she is:
Here she is!!  she really does have emerald green eyes and is fluffy as you like.  her tail was all fluffed out like a big shock and we absolutely love her!  welcome to the brood little Peggy!
More cracking on para.  What else you all gasp up has Owner been up to.  considering she announced she was having a LAZEE DAY, she has applied for the job online and get this, has finally good folks, made that decision.  WHAT! you all shout up!  to order the mountains of catfood and luxury cat litter et al on line too.  yes it cost a fortune which we don't have but at least she will have lots more time apply for jobs to pay for it all.  I love it.
Final cracked on all over para.  so today has turned into a fairly big TICK day.  it is Fridee and the good weekend is here followed by a good bank holiday.  some of you are thinking what is that we don't have one.  It is another day off folks.  Except when you are not working and then it is just another day.  Last night we fell in love with the Young Vets on Beeb 2.  they are all on placements and some are more confident than others.  We like Judy who is at an emergency thingy and we liked Ellie who was on a farm.  And we specially liked biscuit who is a miracle dog and is alright now.  We love him!. so we can watch it tonight and see what else is going to be saved and rescued.  right up Owner's street.  There is Corrie x 2, and bashed on the head Nick is still playing his games plus he keeps going into the kebab shop.  Where good Leeane is now working.  I must say they all get jobs alright on Corrie.  \if we can manage to stay up we will continue to watch that new comedy Boomers  as laughing is a big TICK and crying jags are not.  IT IS GOOD TO GO TO BED ON, says Owner.  As long as, I goes, you don't then read a book that makes you feel funny.  YOU are funny Wonka she says back.  I love her.  Now do go steady out there in the Wold folks wherever you are in it.  Big Love Wonka x

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