Tuesday 19 August 2014

Holidee at home Tuesdee

Wonka here.  Howdy folks!  A short weather report to follow:  it is cooler and breezy and I have been snuggling on down on my new perch atop the bed settee.  That and my box which is a box for all seasons really.  So I am letting Owner off about the heating.  Nestling on the perch which happens to be right  next to a red hot radiator I am not complaining.  Not.  Bertie is safe and snug in his palace and the other nests and Ruggles?  Owner went on a giant worrywart about WILL HE BE WARM ENOUGH Wonka.  As if I spend night and day caring about that!  Why not, I suggested, make his box more warm and snug.  So Owner sped out and adjusted it, with his special heated pad and all.  This good morning was he nestled in it like a big fat teddy bear Ruggles!   We love him.

Fresh holidee spirit para.  What is this now you all wonder, haven't you just been on a giant holidee? Owner is now on holidee in her own town due to Sebe's Owner being here too.  So far (list) they have been to an Italian eatery which was beaut, down North Bay for breakfast, also beaut, and done in £2 in the amusements and won nothing.  There is a giant sculpture down the Sea Front of Freddy Gilroy who was an ordinary (not famous) man who fought in WW2 and was a miner too, and it is all done in steel by hand.  Blimey I said, just how big is it Owner.  MASSIVE she goes, and he is seated on a big steel bench looking out to sea.  Owner thinks she has a photoshoot of Freddy and will let us have a look at him:
There he is!!  All the visitors along the seafront stop and have their photees taken sitting on him and next to him.  We love Freddy and he belongs to Scarborough North Bay!
Fresh and breezy Holidee para.   Owner says is now stepping out for some fish and chips and I must say I have never known her eat so much in a short space of time.  Bertie as you know has an appetite fit for an elephant, alright a much larger cat then, but as I said to Owner as they jogged off out again YOU ENJOY YOURSELVES!  Far be it for me to get in the way of Owner's jolly holiday spirit.  Is she still counting on a miracle to rescue her fortunes you all wonder up?  yes, yes she is.  And this is the major difference between me and Owner good folks out there all being sensible and counting the pennies, Owner thinks something will turn up and I know it won't.  I love it.
Final holidee para.   Tonight there is a chance that I will finally get to see a film.  it may not be the film I want to see but still.  If we don't want a film there is Enders and Holbee City and Doctors having flings with the wrong one and trainee Doctors mucking it all up.  Personally I am holding out for Captain America and if not Frozen which is more in keeping with our poor boiler and heating system.  Owner has to keep adjusting it and I am afeared she will adjust it too far.  Why not, I ventured up from behind the living room door, get the plumber in to look at it.  but she didn't hear me above turning some taps on til it made a whooshing noise in the poor boiler.  FIXED IT! she shouts up.  I rest my paws and everything.  Now do go steady out there in the Wold good folks wherever you are in it.  big Love Wonka x

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