Saturday 2 August 2014

Get on with it Satdee

Wonka here.  First off we have high hopes for August.  How so you all wonder up?  It is all down to holidays we are thinking.  Most of us go somewhere in this good month.  Owner as you know has a holiday in the planning and soon.  I CANNOT RECALL she goes suddenly out of the blue and standing in the good kitchen sipping her tea, WHAT TIME I SET OFF.  This has brought about a flurry of small post it notes and train tickets and then googling train times.  There is a lot to do and she is not doing anything.  There I have said it.  After all, I can only check on things so far, then it is up to aunties and cat sitters and wotnot.  Possibly, the first to do list will start today.  I love it.

Fresh get going para.  I did point out that we need a good stock of best Sheba as Bertie is eating us into next week and beyond.  What is going on with his inner workings we cannot know, but he has only one thing going on in his brain cell and that is FOOD.  Even in the middle of the ni hi hight does he trot down and chomp on biscuits.  Me?  thanks for asking, well as you know night time is my time, and I am busy checking out back for Ruggles and any other feline.  So yes, I may have a little biscuit to keep me going.  BUT NOT THE WHOLE SAUCER.  Goodness! goes Owner first thing when she sees the overflowing saucer from the night before has two lonely biscuits left on it.  She loves it.

Fresh come on Para.   Never mind what you are wearing I said to her, you need to make a list for Aunty.  Aunty, who is Owner's daughter has yet to meet up with Bertie Bubbles.  Seeing as how he views everyone as a monster armed with food which he must capture off them I am quite looking forward.    Now for today's good cartoon there is the tomato triffid plant.  it has grown to massive heights and sprung several little trusses (Owner thinks they are called this) of tomatos.  She is very proud as all other attempts produced weedy little branches with about 5 tomatos after weeks of nurturing.
There it is folks!!  more like jack and the beanstalk if you ask me!  Right up top are some seagull as they are everywhere you look and next up top is the good tomato plant food and then there is Owner with the blue jug she does all the watering with and me looking on in admiration.  Owner does like tomatos and says they are essential.  OH I goes back.  And here's something else she found out on her travels today.   Honey has healing properties she tells me.  According to Owner, the Gladiators used to daub their sore spots with honey.  I reckon being a Gladiator was definitely asking for a sore spot so I bet they loved that honey!  Now aloe vera is another one goes Owner.  I know there is a joke there and I not making it.  I love it.
Fresh hurry along para.  What else is happening you all gasp up?  Owner did three washes, hung it out whilst it was spotting with rain and I said is that wise Owner, but she ignored me saying things like, IT WILL BLOW OVER Wonka.  it did blow over several times whilst Owner was out visiting aged sibling.  he is a weather expert and reckons the good weather will return at the end of the week.  Today though?  UNSETTLED.  so Owner falls back in with more supplies for me, for Bertie, for the luxury trays, a tiny eensy miniscule shop for herself and two films to stave off the games.  She goes to get the washing in which has been wet, dried, wet, dried and wet since she's been gone.  Then the phone goes and it is one of the Fab Four to talk up the pending holiday.  You guessed it folks out there all getting your soaking wet washing in off the line.  By the time she got off the phone, Bertie had snaffled my teatime (and been in the luxury tray) and the washing was as wet as when it had been put out the first time.  WOE goes Owner, bringing in a bunch of soggy clothes and towels.  the first batch has been spun dried and we are on batch two.  We don't mention the automatic lock on the new washer as it is NOT AUTOMATICALLY DOING anything.  we still love it though.
Final get on with it para.  In between rainfall and feeding us, Owner has got on with a few outstanding jobs as requested up by me.  She has 1.  sent Daughter a long and fulsome email  2.  started two notes to explain our complicated daily rituals to both daughter (my Aunty) and our beloved catsitter.  3.  run a bath.  Alright that was NOT on the list of to do's.  As nice Nick Know all would say in that annoying quiz IT IS NOT ON THE LIST.  We love him, and wish he was on and he is not on as it is still the games.  That is why Owner has two new films for us to watch, one of them is Frozen and is 'dazzling' 'for all the family' so far so good you all chirp up, and the second is Captain America and it says it is 'outstanding!'..... I will keep you posted on that one.  But guess which film we are about to watch tonight?  NO that is not it, we are finally to watch the Last Vegas one it is sposed to be funny but you know what Owner is like.  Does not laugh for what seems like a million years when all else are killing themselves, then suddenly she is doubled up and no one can see why.  I love it.  And the last time it happened was celebrity masterchef with our ballet supremo thingmebob.  Now do go steady out there in the Wold wherever you are in it folks.  big Love Wonka x 

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