Friday 29 August 2014

New Age Fridee

Wonka here.  At last it is the end of yet another frantic week.  HOW says Owner, did I find time to work full-time and fit all this in?  Do you mean I goes, all that non essential shopping you are now doing?  And I am referring to the new age shop good folks out there all wondering what I am telling Owner off for now.  Is the bracelet doing its job you all challenge back!  You said the magic word Job then!  There is no wonderful, perfect and pleasant job on Owner's horizon as yet but that phone call that letter, that email - it is all still in the wishing well, it is IN THE MIX. (One of Owner's expressions which she said I could borrow if it stops me going on about her spending. deal). We are only four days in on the bracelet Wonka, goes Owner..give it a chance!  We love it.

Fresh new age para.  What exactly is this new age thing you all gasp up.  Owner says it means opening ourselves up to the wonders of the universe.  OOER.  Linking in to nature more she continued.  Now this makes sense as it means ME, I am very natural and Bertie who is even now sleeping his little life away, he is very very natural especially when he trots to the luxury tray!  sorry Bertie!  Ruggles of course communes (like it) with nature daily and nightly.  So really Owner is pretty well aligned up.  so for a treat today, there is a good cartoon of that very good shop sending out lots of good vibrations folks!
There it is! You could not turn round in this shop for falling over a book to sort you out inside and outside, crystals for every occasion and gemstones twinkling all around.  It is a blessing I said, that you stopped short at the bracelet Owner.  But she didn't hear me above going in the Narnia Cupboard to look for something.  She'll be gone for hours!!  I love it.
Fresh and natural para.  Guess what? No that is not it.  There was a knock on the front door that Owner could have heard from the luxury shed out back, and of course I ran straight upstairs because you don't know if it is those pesky invaders again, but no it was the Postie.  THANKYOU goes Owner and when I looked it was the catflap!  Yes it is the cat flap for Rugglesis luxury shed.  Now all she has to do, is contact our Super Handyman to sort out when this new job can be done.  I tell you it is all go here.  IT'S LUCKY I WAS IN goes Owner, fresh from popping into town and returning with a birfdee gift for aged sibling TICK, and a non essential item for herself.  NOT TICK.  It was a mistaken buy and will be returned TICK.  I love it.
Final Love the New Age para.  Last night there really wasn't anything on and we can vouch for that as we had to watch bits of Enders.  It was so annoying with this girl who we think is called Sindee but we mustn't swear to it (well Owner mustn't) she was having a baby, and making a fair noise about it and if it wasn't her it was Mick from the Vic on a swing.  Shall I send in a few good storylines goes Owner. IT CAN'T HARM  I went back.  Luckily tonight is a different story we have Corrie X 2 to keep us warm.  There will be Liz stomping into the clink to visit Jim, there is Jason wanting to bash in Todd like all else in the street and Madeh has had a personality transplant (says Owner).  You will want to know that me and Bertie have had a small scrap causing Owner to shout STOP IT Wonka, but it wasn't me.  Ruggles stayed very late last night and did call for his breakfast but not for tea as yet.  You wait til he has a little cat flap to jump through!  Now the weekend is here again and  I know you will all be happy and glad, mostly.  Do go steady out there in the Wold good folks wherever you are in it.  Big Love Wonka x 

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