Sunday 7 September 2014

Strictly Sundee!!

Wonka here.  slept right through we all did and Owner reports a few speckled dreams of trying to find a train station, and being late as per.  This I said, is a typical dream of yours. I KNOW she says back.  Now from the off it was action stations (OOH?  is that significant I wonder up??)  with Owner flitting about doing this doing that before setting off to Daughter for her birthdee. BUT she still found time for a good old fashioned dilemma.  those pesky Greeks have a lot to answer for.   What with figuring out why we are here (jury out) sorting out some maths stuff (pythagarus.  Sp.  sorry Greeks) the Marathon (not the choc bar, the great race) oh yes, what dilemma you all wonder up?? I shall tell all in a momento.  I love it.

Strictly para.  OPEN OR SHUT goes Owner.  yes it is all about the catflap in the delux shed.  Leave it shut and risk leaving Ruggles out in the cold and rain if it is raining, or leave the shed door open and risk getting the inside of the newly insulated shed damp and cold.  IS THERE A GREEK handy she hummed and haaaad.  In the end, Owner had a bolt of lightening to the brain.  It happened whilst she was hanging out the washing with PEGS.  Yes, she put a few pegs on the catflap which propped it open!!  and then sped off to see Daughter.  Thankfully me and Bertie were able to relax - he was in the upstairs cupboard, first floor, keeping Owner's clothes warm and I chose my giant downstairs nest aka the new bed settee!  We love it.

Real Strictly para.  When Owner rolled back in talking of Cakes and candles, lunch out and even a film all about these poor  spacepeople trapped on Mars with some funny old goings on (not to mention it being dark and dusty for most of the film.  it was on Mars I says) I said you had better get a move on as STRICTLY starts at 8pm!.  and here is our good cartoon:
There we are!! all ready to watch our fave - Bertie is just making a sharp exit to the left possibly heading for his saucer or the tray and me?  I am in my new dark corner to the right.  Owner is glued to the telly and as per, on the luxury carpet not the good settee.  We love it and our faves so far will be:  Jake who is Max grab an affair in enders, Sunitra who is Zoe in Casualtee and of course Gregg from Masterchef.  Can he dance though?  It dunt get better.
Final strictly para.  last night was all about the hex Factor and Cheryl had a little weep or two.  We liked Ben who drives a van and someone else who works with fish.  it is on tonight and guess what?  NO that is not it.  It is on at the same time as Strictly.  More dilemmas for Owner as if she hadn't been dilemma'd out.  I WILL WATCH the hex Factor on plus one she says.  And of course we are even now watching Corrie.  Team Rob is busy digging up the nasty old pipe he bashed Teenah with and where is he going with it??  the police are on his tail.  Very exciting stuff.  Now the good week is upon us and once more Owner must make an all out effort for a job.  For some money.  or we will starve.  Aside from that we are looking forward to it, and best news of the evening is??  RUGGLES popped in through the catflap and out all on his own!!  Tinkers is being a little Tinkers and even sat in Ruggles best nest in the shed this morn.but we love her.  Now do go steady folks out there in the Wold wherever you are in it.  Big Love Wonka x

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