Tuesday 24 September 2013

stress laden Tuesdee

Wonka here.  Gone overcast and dull here but still mild.  There, that is your weather forecast folks!it's sort of not warm enough for full on  Summer wear and not cold enough for mittens. Owner still busy in the throes of the cold.  volleys of sneezing and endless blowing nose.  And endless saying how rough feels.  What about me you ask?  managing fairly well, just doing a fair bit of sleeping, bit of eating, more sleeping, more waking Owner up as sleeping through alarm going off.  it goes off, then stops for ten minutes then goes off then stops......well this went on for half an hour folks!!  Finally got up (said feeling rough.  don't we know it!)  Got out on time even looked fairly normal although said felt old ugly tired and fell back in later on with a good supply of cat litter and food (was beginning to worry and fret).  Guess what though?  bet you can't guess what.  Owner lost bit of tooth.  yes.  No not the new crown one, but the other one.  Says now wants to give up eating and brushing teeth.  I knew this would happen the minute our nice dentist packed off on his hols.  Best not to remind Owner about tooth just now says feeling really wretched.   I put this down to ridiculous plotlines and just pure lines in enders.  The gangly toothy one (there I've referred to teeth but it's inevitable with the soaps they all have shiny white gnashers and not a loose filling in sight) called Michael is interfering with the twisted love story of the girl who looks after his baby and her current amour, Tam.  he is Asian with the necessary set of white gnashers.  Beyond this annoying story is the one where the black guy who says 'dat' instead of 'that' is refusing his son's offer of a kidney which will save him from certain death.  As I say, no wonder Owner feels rough.  Now on with the hospital thing, where they all get emotionally involved with the patients and all the staff are involved with all the staff and/or having a baby.  We aim to be in bed for 9ish at this rate.  Now Ruggles is now popping in and out of the kitchen to feast on his overflowing plate of best cat food and real chicken.  No sign of tinkers lately though.  Owner too ill to worry about it but I will keep an eye out in between napping.  Now please go steady out there as half way through week nearly and don't forget Owner got that meeting thingy tomorrow so needs beauty sleep! (under the bed I go....)  Big love Wonka x

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