Monday 7 July 2014

Sunshine and Rain Mundee

Wonka here.  It was one of those nights good folks out there possibly dragging your feet through this first day of the week.  Is it over yet you keep asking?  not long to go now.....but meanwhile back in Owner's wold, a sudden catawalling noise (cannot spell it, tried and failed. will fail harder next time) interrupted (get me) her otherwise fairly alright sleep pattern.  Well it is either cat noises inside or out that tend to make her sit up in bed going WHAT IS THAT GHASTLY NOISE?? (or you can substitute smell for noise, this is a sure fire wake up call!!)  When she got up to investigate (I must have swallowed a small dictionary in the night) it was only good Ruggles squaring up to another cat in the good back yard.  What to do?  Owner says she switched a light on, BLIMEY I goes, as she hates electric light of any kind, and that seemed to stop it.  No we have not seen Ruggles since so we are on a slight Ruggles alert.  not as bad as when the good government issues those warning things but as I say we do worry.  We love him.

Fresh sunny at the minute para.  Early doors cartoon of the night time visitors:
There is good Ruggles face to face with??  It may have been Mr Ginge or Mr Blackster Owner could not tell.  It had a bushy tail though.  To the left is the good gnome called Quasimodo as he has a watering can and to the right is Owner's best plastic tulips which light up at night.  Yes, there is a ghostly blue and red light in the yard.  We love it.
Still sunny para.  Owner did her usual shall I ring up or shan't I routine this morn til I thought I would go funny myself and you know how steady I am!  YES I WILL RING she goes, and finally makes the right call.  She will no longer trot off to the job with the little people but it wasn't them it was the bigger people.  I am popping in to say cherio properly she goes to me, ready to make the next call.  THAT'S NICE I said trying to get some zzzzzzzzzzzz.  I mean I had a busy night of it up on the windowsill downstairs to my look out then back up, jumping on the bed and off it.  It quite wore me out.  And Bertie will keep moving lair from the Narnia cupboard to the wardrobe and I have to put my head right in the dark til I can see him,  or not.  I love it.
 Final clouded over looks like rain para.  Owner had just hung the washing out when it rained the first time.  Once she had brought it all in it stopped and went to boiling.  THAT'S THE STORY OF MY LIFE she tells me.  Now we had an exhausting day yesterdee with good Novak willing him on to victory which being the champion he is, happened.  The next big thing will be (list) 1.  Owner gets hair done Wednesdee 2.  Owner visits the old job Thursdee 3.  Owner has a breakaway Fridee (and I can put my feet up and be spoiled by my Aunty.) and 4.  There is the footie final OOOH!  we want Holland in the final and good Brazil.  That is my prediction not Owner's!!  Back to the breakaway, this means as you know planning on the scale of a small invasion of another poor country.  We need an army in reserve to help with the packing, with the train changes and finally with the burning question (to Owner) of what she will wear.  This is an ordeal that can take up to four weeks before it shakes down into the usual, jeans top and jumper.  Oh and the new pakka mac.  Hopefully it will rain whilst Owner is having her breakaway so she can test it out for breathability and not letting any rain in. Breath IN, breath OUT zzzzzzzzzzzzzz  oh sorry!  now tonight we are hoping for good Corrie x 2 and Enders X 1.   Leanne is busy being done down by mean and off his head Nick but will it work? or will it backfire..... Peetah has been glimpsed also off his head but this time the drink is responsible and not a poor car crash pleading to Carling black eyebrows who is rescued by thingy...he works in the garage half owned by Kev who has vanished by the way.  and finally there is the ongoing saga of offending Michael being gradually brought into the street infact into street cars.  He had good Gail wrapped round his little finger already.......  Enders you all gasp up??  goodness me it goes more silly by the minute and we are still trailing roxy or foxy and their amour  but to cap it all for silliest far out storylines evah we have Carol's Scarf turning drugs dealer thanks to the strange sister of shirlee or is it her daughter.. happily we will never know.  If Owner can cope with all of that instead of coping with NOT HAVING A JOB and going on a GIANT WORRY WART I'll eat all my tea up.  Notice I didn't say Rug will eat all his tea up!!(yes he is back, yes he is unscathed, and ate all his tea up) Let us see what tomorrow brings Owner I whispered up from behind the door.  I HEARD that she goes back chucking back a strong tea.  I love it.  Now do go steady out there in the Wold good folks wherever you are in it.  Big Love Wonka x

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