Tuesday 3 December 2013

End of Era Tuesdee!

Wonka here.  Owner said woke with a dilemma in her head.  And I said please don't let it get in the way of my breakfast!   No you do not want to hear what it was but Owner kept saying (and I quote) 'my head is a shed'.  Again, I feared for my saucers of nourishment but it was alright she was in that very dangerous focussed state of mind!  Blimey.  And get this, she bit that bullit and got the new stroke second hand stroke used car.  Yes.  What a thing for Owner to cope with you say.  I dare not talk too much about it.  but I will!

Fresh para.  now before I do tell you some of the details of this epic journey to purchase said car which as yet is a car with no name (is there a tune dangling there?) I must show you the photoshoot of good Ruggles.

Here he is!  with his big fat teddy bear face it is our Ruggles, King of the Yard.  as you can see about the size of a small terrier.  We love him.
Fresh para maybe the final one.  Now off did Owner set once she had rung the good car salesman who turned into a new car salesman because the other one, who Owner chatted to on Satdee, well he is having 'his bits done' (that is a quote from the other one).  When Owner questioned this it turns out he was having an injection.  And he has a phobia to do with that.  Owner completely understands as has one herself.  Along with all the other thrillions of anxieties.  anyhow, car was ready and waiting just for Owner to actually step in it and like it.  This miracle happened!  and Owner went for a spin in it with the other salesman who complimented Owner on starting in second. 
Then she set off home joking with the salesman saying (quote)'let's go and frighten the traffic'.  STEADY ON Owner I said when I heard this throw away statement.  But she did arrive home and found 5th gear most of the time.  The beloved Skylark has gone to another home and Owner dare not look.  I have rested up all day in preparation for this moment as the end of the era has come to roost.  Can you say that? too late I have said it. 
this is the really real last para.  Ruggles has stayed clear all day due to it being dustbin day he does not like it and neither did Baba.  Say no more.  He did visit last night and came in and settled on the good doormat until bedtime (for Owner) somehow he knew it was bedtime and asked to go out.  ~We expect him anytime now for his daily feast.  Now tonight if Owner isn't too overcome with events she may watch Enders although it is getting a bit complicated with a whole host of new families arriving and lots of people leaving suddenly.  Some of them need to leave suddenly.  Then it will be onto our new favourite hospital drama with heavily pregnant and heavily sarcastic Doctors being both.  We love it.  Now do go steady out there in the world wherever you are.  Big Love Wonka x

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