Saturday 3 January 2015

Nursing Home Satdee

Wonka here.  Straight off can I deny all knowledge.  As soon as Owner flings through the good front door fresh from her rounds, she says OH NO WAS THAT YOU WONKA!  I must say I have never known Owner move so swiftly to treat the luxury beige carpet.  GOODNESS I said in admiration!  You would never have known anything had been there!!  Owner did briefly consider Bertie Bubb for the culprit but unfortunately (for me folks) he was sound as a pound in the Land of Wardrobe and no evidence to link him to the scene.  YES I know that still could leave me in the clear........... not to worry though as I say, it is as fresh as a daisy now and that air freshner stuff has vanquished (what a word!  may use again) all.  I love it x

Fresh nursing para.  What is that title what are you on about you all chirp up of a Satdee??  Owner reports thus:  she visited as per aged parent who was sitting all civilised in her wheelchair with no hint of needing anything or wanting to ride round the room.  BUT, as Owner is the only walking talking person near to hand she does get asked for things.  LIKE?  you all wonder up.  Like 'can you pick my hat up dear' and OH NO I have dropped my cigarettes right at the back of that chair dear'.  Owner also reports looking over at Betty who was busy reading a Christmas Card.  SO?  you all say AND?  well it was upside down.  Owner says when she turned it the right way up Betty had a good laugh.  Then, did the two chaps in wheelchairs begin a slow waltz round each other.  One of them wanted to leave the room, and the other didn't.  IT WAS LIKE BUMPER CARS says Owner.  In between all of this she says her and Aged parent did pass a small conversation.  I love it.

Fresh nursing home para.  for our photoshoot we had best resurrect (another good word yes) a bit of KLP's artwork.  WHO IS THAT you all muster up and say??KLP is aged parent and is Kathleen Louise Perry thanks for asking.  She could have gone to Art School but didn't.  and instead she dabbled a bit.  This is one that Owner rescued when she had to clear out the homestead. 
There we are!  and now aged sibling has that bowl sans fruit (get me!).  Perhaps, says Owner we could run a small aged parent tribute.  From time to time, some of KLP's lost artwork could resurface on here!!  Watch this space dear readers stroke reader.  We love it.

Final nursing para.  last night whisked by in a cuddle up of soaps and tonight?  blow me down if that Zulu isn't back again!  BUT we have started on Noah with our beloved Russell Crowe and cannot leave him stranded on the mountain top with all those nasty people camped down below.  I PAUSED IT drones Owner just when it began to rain. OH I goes back all interested as (list) 1.  I love Russell ever since Gladiator and he would save us from any pesky Viking invasion and 2.  it is very close to my second helpings for teatime.  never mind Bertie and who mentioned Rug tug??  Now do go steady out there in the Wold good folks wherever you are in it.  big Love Wonka x

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