Tuesday 21 April 2015

Chic and Summery Tuesdee

Wonka here.   Owner has been told she looked 'chic and summery' AND her school bag was admired too.  Which one you all gasp up needing to know asap, which bag is that??  As you know Owner has many bags, owl bags, pink bags that look like travel bags, pink bags that look like pink bags, going out pretend animal print bags (my fave) (no the owl is my fave) Teddy bear rucksack bags, Bagpuss Bags....ARE YOU STILL THERE??  The school bag used to be her best bag (pink) until she had to get a new bag because her best friend had one, in black.  Now I'm a bit confused, and I think a cartoon is called for:

There it is!!  Owner's old bag which is the new school bag.  It all makes sense now.  sort of.  And I know it would be more fun for the children if Owner turned up with teddy rucksack, bagpuss OR the owl bag.  But would she be asked back?  tomorrow I might treat you all to Teddy Rucksack as he is a beauty old bear and was in every day use until his zip went.  We love him.x

Chic and Summery para.  BBBBRRRRNNNNNGGG went the good phone just when Owner had settled in for the morning.  OH YES, she says up and the next minute she has reappeared all dolled up.  IT WILL HAVE TO DO, she says to me whizzing round the room til I felt a mite dizzy.  It turns out she has a shout to go back to a nice big school and support some poor teachers for the morning.  When she fell back in laden with cat concrete aka litter and food for all of us plus a tiny bit of shopping for herself, I asked up if it went alright?  Compliments fell all around her and even one of the students copying what she said like a polly parrot did not send her funny. No.  The hoover had turned up in the helpful supermarket, and she had a text to say it had.  Wonders.  We love it.

Small and vital political update.  Millions had registered to vote yesterdee and so the nation may yet be saved.  Owner has seen a real live postal voting form, and says it may need three or four more reads to make sure all the bits were in the right bit.  End of.

Final Chic and summery para.  Can Owner keep this up you all wonder, looking the business??  As long as she doesn't fall subject to the old ugly and fat thingy wotsit, we are set to continue.  Me?  thanks for asking, had a nice relaxing day and only spoilt myself once by looking at Bertie Bubb who went into a prolonged (my best word.  stop it.) hissing and growling fit.  Ruggles is on his best behaviour and cannot put a paw wrong.  tonight we are cuddling up to Enders if we can bear it, with funerals and evil villains (Dean) released back into the wild to cause all in the Queen Vic to go funny except Shirlee his best Mum.  Then it is Holbee and who will rule the hospital now that thingy has stepped down?  All these big questions await us, and if that isn't exciting enough our fave hero of all time, Ronnnie O Sullivan is finally batting those balls on the table.  With or without shoes on, WE LOVE HIM.  Now do go steady out there in the Wold good folks wherever you are in it.  big Love Wonka x

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