Wednesday 16 December 2015

Warming up Wednesdee!!

It might be raining outside (fact!x) but inside folks, we are all set for Day 16!!

We always like a candle or two in this house, and now Owner has stopped buying those smelly expensive ones (Tick.x) we make do with ordinary tea lights and what folks, is wrong with that? DE RIEN. for special occasions LIKE Christmas, we might splash out for a red one.  OR get one as a gift. (we had a penguin last year.  NOT A CANDLE or Owner would need counselling to set it alight BUT encased in the penguin was a tea light.  End of.x
In other equally exciting news, Ruggles went out this morn in the pouring rain (as forecast along with bands of this and milder that) and didn't come back within the usual 5 minutes.  This meant a FULL ON RUGGLES alert. We wondered if he had joined Tim Peake up on that space station (the one with the unfortunate (OOH) initials of ISS folks... mind you......x) but NO!!! I heard Owner give out cries of 'there you are!' and 'Goodness me!' followed by a large helping of food JUST for trotting back through the poor back door.  I mean.x
I do not as you know suffer much from jealousy and in any case, Ruggles has not written a story OR had it published.  Big End of.x
Is Owner on the scrapheap you all wonder up, and the short answer is MAIS OUI, or DA, or WE GUESS SO, or....roll on the drums building to a giant crescendo JA VOL. No one, thanks to her repeated rejection of work yesterdee, wants her at their good, bad or indifferent school today. she said and I quote:
'Wonka, I remain optimistic.'
I did say, never mind you what about me, me, me and the bubster (sleeping it off in the Narnia cupboard) and Ruggles (asking to go back out in the persistent rain.) then??? But she didn't hear me above writing out some charity Xmas cards to the remaining friends......Now that the Strictly dancing has lost it's sparkle, and the hex factor has sung itself out, we are left with good Masterchef to keep us warm so thanks Marcus Scaring! I mean Wareing and Monica!! We love you lots.
Now do pop your macs on if you are trotting off out in it today, and keep your whiskers bristling BUT dry! Big Love Wonka X

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