Thursday 12 May 2016

Out of the Blue Yonder

ARE YOU SAVED Wonka? you all ask up anxious that my best biscuits might be rationed what with Owner on the brink of the scrap heap.  SORT OF SAVED! I gladly tell you folks out there all concerned for ME alright and Bertie Bubb and Rugtug.X

Owner was going about her business nicely this morning, dishing up our breakfast and sorting out the facilities and generally making sure I WAS ALRIGHT plus the others................when BBBBRRRRNNNGGGGGG!!

It was the other and old and now bestest agency in the entire world alright just round here then, telling her there was a day's work AT her most fave skool.  BIG SIGH of relief all round folks!!X
There we are!!  IF I GET A SHOVE ON, droned Owner to the good education consultant Kevin who surely wasn't listening to owner after she said YES I WILL GO....If I get a shove on, I can be there for...............we all know it is senseless to say these things as you may as well say I WILL BE LATE by approx. 10 mins.  As she was.  End of and punctuality fact up.X
In other news....did her interview at the next best agency go well you are all on the edge of your boxes and igloos to know?  IT SEEMED to she said when she fell back in babbling about references and NI numbers and checking this that and how's your father.  Do they know Owner, I says to her (after I had had my tea) what they are letting themselves in for? but she didn't hear me above rushing upstairs to throw off her interview outfit and get comfy.X
Tonight, we can lay back exhausted and catch up with Enders and Peggee.  THEN, it is Invictus choiring and more hankees folks. IS THERE ANY REASON Wonka, Owner shouts up, why the miniscule button that turns the good tv on and off, has managed to fall into the tv set so that I cannot feel it at the side??  NO REASON except, it is that sort of day, week, month and year Owner I says back.  I did say is it wise to poke at it with a screwdriver but she didn't hear me above pressing the miniscule switch even though it is deep within the tv, and thankfully seeing a little red light.  THAT MEANS IT IS ON Wonka, she says full of being grateful for tv mercies.X
All else is just the same folks, Bertie has his claw stuck in the igloo and was quite rightly growling at it, Ruggles is on the step in the late sun and ME? thanks for asking I am ticketyBOOBOOs. See you all soon folks.  Big Love Wonka X
PS there is good neighbour news and if I remember I will tell all tomorrow.X I know.XX

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