Monday 21 October 2013


Wonka here.  Yes folks, I said magnificent because despite the rain out there, Owner shifted up at least two gears!  Autumn has hit us though, and it is dark out there first thing (means 6 30 am ish) so Owner does not want to leap out of bed and said had an awful night with about two inches of sleep.  This usually heralds (like that word) a busy hectic day ahead.  so Owner is nicely relaxed at 8 05 am when does phone ring with a shout for work!!  and it is where she used to be!!  So she met up with some old friends!! and students too.  big smiles all round folks.

Fresh para.  Now once more I bring you a cover of the Wonka series, and this is the fourth one:
There I am folks, and the story is about beloved Baba too.  Yes he too is in the next room aka Heaven.  You remember there was talk of a new kitten but nothing as yet.  would I like it you ask?  thanks for that, well I might need counselling to start off with but depending on how much attention I get from this and the new kitten (if we have one) I might like it.

Fresh and possibly final para.  Owner rushed back in having been to the shops for supplies and immediately fed me as I looked starving.  Also has cooked up the rest of the fish.  And got more of those nice biscuits I eat sometimes.  and given me a tummy tickle plus chucked my jingly bell ball thing down the hall a few times.  had to have a lie down after that.  Now ruggles has been in for tea and rushing away again and will no doubt return this evening for a big plate ful.  Owner will be struggling to watch anything tonight due to unexpected work and general old age (JOKE).  If can stay up will watch corrie X 2, with nice Hayley on about euthanasia stroke assisted suicide and nice Roy not in favour.  The debate continues, will Roy's faith be challenged??  Jury out for us.  Owner says does not have a problem when it is a beloved pet.  I know Baba and Golly both asked to go to the next room and were ready.  I wonder if I will know too...hankies away folks!!!  Now because Enders is on too we shall not be maudlin for long but busy trying to figure out all the twisted love thingys and people leaving thingys.  by the way, that 'fatboy'' person is still running the Queen Vic single handed, and with no known knowledge of the pub trade.  We love it. Take it steady out there wherever you are in the world.  big love wonka x

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