Saturday 5 October 2013

Strictly Satdee

Wonka here.  Weather report you ask??  yet another beauty day, mild and good enough for a tea shirt really but yes Owner is trying to do autumn fashions and just held off from putting on favourite boots.  Aged parent said she looked 'nice'.  This alone is enough to dash all hopes of looking anything like so I had my work cut out when Owner returned from fraught visit.  did my best you folks out there to inspire and remotivate (like all the good life coaching says to do!) but all Owner could see was ugly and old (not tired though).

Fresh para.  I thought a fresh para as wanted to tell you about the latest impossible to find article that Owner's mother sent her out to buy.. it is a rug.  yes an ordinary rug that's needed.  So far, Owner has purchased two warm yet fashionable yet adorable rugs.  to any other person on the planet that is.  Not acceptable to aged parent though.  No.  it is comparable (do like a good descriptive term) to sending Hercules on one of his ancient missions to slay sea monsters, rescue imprisoned maidens and cut down a forest in order to gain entry to the fortress (where the maiden is).  Likewise, the rug is posing problems.  The first rug was too dark (a pleasant purple hue and a standard tartan pattern) and did not like pattern.  And, the death blow?  not soft enough.  Off Owner goes for another go at it.  Purchases a charming 'luxory' throw, adorned with cuddly and friendly looking teddies.  it is a light colour and soft.  Up until now, aged parent liked teddies.  NOT ANYMORE!

Fresh para - the upshot to it all is, Owner tried valiantly not to lose it but lost it, and is now poised to take second rug come throw back to the other shop.  Mood breaker that was.  Anyhow, we are now sort of alright and revving up for a night of blissful reality tv.  first off the dancing and we love it, we are in love with Mark (??) he is a big and funny gently giant who cannot win it, and then we favour Robin and Deborah Dragon.  Following this we have 'judges houses' no less where all the 'singers' find out if they can 'sing' and if they can, we get to watch them for what seems like forever and a day.  But Owner loves it and is even following the American one. 

Final para.  Rug has been for his tea and stepped into the kitchen as soon as Owner threw open the good back door.  No sign of Tinkers as yet.  Whilst Rug was eating his tea a giant bee batted up to the window it was huge!  Owner reports seeing a butterfly whilst on travels but not on Baba's miracle Buddleia as yet.  I want you all to have a wonderful evening and enjoy! big love Wonka x

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