Monday 7 October 2013

steady old Mundee

Wonka here.  Yes we woke up and we got up.  Then, we sat back down.  Weather wise folks Owner been able to hang washing out and get it dry.  hardly a breeze to talk of and none of the wet stuff either.  but wait, you want to know about the sitting down and relaxing thing?  Owner does not know how to relax not in her personality and has to fidget, do several things at once and maybe read whilst watching the tv or talk on the phone whilst writing a book.  yes. Fresh para.

Did not get a shout or a whisper of work today.  Has not as yet sunk into a gloom but I am ready I am ready folks.  Ready to hide under the bed at a moment's notice and any hint of despair.  But, so far Owner been good, and made itself busy feeding me feeding ruggles and catching up with the dancing show.  We do love the spangles and sparkles and so many this year to fall in love with!  We switched from Mark, to Fiona but now also love Ola and Ashley.  who will we commit to?  Owner does love an underdog you know so if Craig starts baring his teeth at the contestants (for some reason he has been really nice, very off putting) we will support them.  Must just mention apropos of nothing (Love it) but Owner uploaded fifth story to be found on and you just need to search for 'Wonka'. There are five books in the series, and this one is entitled: conversations with Wonka - part Two.  I promise you will enjoy and not just because I am in it. 

Final para as Owner needs to fidget and so do I.  yes Owner did go out for some fresh air and did have to buy a few things some of it was food.  No chicken though.  Have said to Owner if not working how will we survive but she ignored me.  Our stars talked of making a plan as Mars is entering our sign next week so GET ON WITH IT! Me and Ruggles will starve! Also on about four big planets lined up in Scorpio as if they aren't intense enough. Thankfully Owner not a Scorpio although someone once said she was an 'honourary Scorpio. (spelling).   Owner not friends with them anymore and funnily enough this is what they were getting at!  Oh we have to laugh don't we.  Now tonight, as long as the big gloom doesn't descend early we shall watch corrie X 2 and see if Nice Nick is going to explode at evil David his bruverly bruvver.  Enders is still on about ex husbands and current crushes all inexplicably directed at Carol who is rude abrasive even, not cuddly, incommunicative at best and that's right we don't like her at all.  Now go steady out there folks wherever you are in the world as miracles do happen but in their own good time.  big love Wonka x

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